440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: August 26, 2000 10:38 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

JPS server problem has not been fixed, second notice.


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0201 - JPS Net                              800 711 5353 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Bruce Newland
020102 - Network Operations Manager =916 810 8913
020103 -
020104 - Biz Tech Services =415 376 0121

Time on Transfers Advanced Seven Hours, 000824
Bumbling Solution Needed.
Bumbling Caused by Complexity, Limited Time, Span of Attention
Bumbling Mainframe Single Source Centralized Administration
Bumbling Need Redundancy of PC for Dual Control
Bumbling Risk DKR Need Reduncy of PC
Market Potential
Productivity Improvement, Potential

1110 -    ..
1111 - Summary/Objective
1112 -
111201 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000, ref SDS 12 0000.
111202 -
111203 - Noticed again today that the clock on files transferred to the server
111204 - is off again.  The files have a time of 17.. when transferred at 1000,
111205 - so then we cannot update.  This occurred previously on 990331.
111206 - ref SDS 2 0001
111207 -
111208 - Called Bruce.
111209 -
111210 - Left message that problem has not been solved, or has reappeared.
111211 -
111212 -
111213 -
111214 -  ..
1113 -
1114 -
1115 - 1203 Bruce called back
1116 -
111601 - He has fixed the problem.
111602 -
111603 - Bruce said that JPS (now One-line) recently updated a utility program
111604 - on their servers to improve performance.  As a result, of the problem
111605 - we reported yesterday, and then again today, after they fixed the
111606 - initial problem, they have discovered this morning that a deeper
111607 - problem existed. Bruce advised that the manufacturer made a mistake of
111608 - some kind that posts time on files written to the server under a
111609 - different standard that causes a seven hour difference between actual
111610 - time and posted time.
111611 -
111612 - They notified the manfacturer after receiving my call this morning.
111613 -
111614 - The manufacturer provided an emergency work around, and will provide
111615 - updated software soon.
111616 -
111617 - Bruce said he has tested the fix and thinks it works.
111618 -
111619 - He asked me to upload a file using FTP to make another test.
111620 -
111621 - I explained the system is being defragmented now, so I cannot make a
111622 - test, and we have to leave shortly.
111623 -
111624 - This scenario reflects continual bumbling that occurs from constant
111625 - updating to get improvements, cited in the SDS scenarios on 950514.
111626 - ref SDS 1 GS5J
111627 -
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111634 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"