440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 27, 2000 07:21 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Jack Park called about ideas for SDS project.

2...Opportunity Commercial Development Core Engine Knowledge Management
....................Towards an SDS Enterprise
3...Ownership, Patents, Licensing Require Review
4...Email Search Engine Knowledge Base Demand by People Forgetting

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Need to see how document management is accomplished by system Jack

0201 - Intel Corporation                    408 765 8080
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones; Business Unit Manager =408 545 9521
020102 -
020103 - Cable Network Operation

Planning; Alliances
Knowledge Management Development Based on SDS
SRI DKR Project, 000503
Park, Jack at VerticalNet
Market Created by Others
Help Preparing Business Plans
Commercial, Open Source, Composite, Park, Jack
Evaluate Market Conditions
Demand SDS
Market Potential SDS

1312 -    ..
1313 - Summary/Objective
1314 -
131401 - Follow up ref SDS 41 0000, ref SDS 40 0000.
131402 -
131403 - Talked to Jack this morning and he gave permission to put his proposed
131404 - stuff on the web, so this was done to facilitate communication.  He
131405 - provided correction which gets us into the swim of feedback that is a
131406 - critical part of Communication Metrics, and by extension KM.
131407 -
131408 - Also received a letter on the DKR project from Eric Amrstrong, which
131409 - refers to a letter sent by Jack Park setting demand for better
131410 - management of email, per below. ref SDS 0 G6Y4
131411 -
131412 -
131413 -
1315 -
1316 -
1317 - Progress
1318 -
131801 -  ..
131802 - Opportunity Commercial Development Core Engine Knowledge Management
131803 -
131804 - Follow up ref SDS 41 0050, ref SDS 40 0050.
131805 -
131806 - Jack advised that he could not access the link to his letter,
131807 - ref DRP 1 0001, transmitting a draft version 0.1 for a business model
131808 - to create an entity to produce SDS, titled...
131809 -
131810 -
131811 -                    Towards an SDS Enterprise
131812 -
131813 -
131814 - ...and attached to Jack's letter in HTML, ref DRP 1 0002, and received
131815 - yesterday, ref SDS 41 0050, that is in the letter to Pat Lincoln,
131816 - ref DIP 3 0001, actually reported in the record on 000725, even though
131817 - it went out last night. ref SDS 40 0001
131818 -
131819 - I explained having not put Jack's letter and business model on the
131820 - Internet because Jack had not given permission to do so.
131821 -
131822 -     [ another record received ideas for next steps from Pat
131823 -     Lincoln. ref SDS 42 0001
131824 -
131825 - Jack he feels it is okay to publish the business model, but not his
131826 - transmittal letter.  We reviewed his transmittal letter together.
131827 - Upon further consideration, Jack feels there is nothing in the letter
131828 - that cannot be published.  I changed an explitive to "oops" --- he
131829 - approved this change.
131830 -
131831 - As a result of Jack's request and approval, I uploaded his letter,
131832 - ref DRP 1 0001, which includes his business model, ref DRP 1 0002, and
131833 - the SDS record that reviews everything, ref SDS 41 0050, to the web,
131834 - so that Jack and others can make a comprehensive review.
131835 -
131836 - This helps use Knowledge Management and Communication Metrics in order
131837 - to discover what it means and expedite the work to deliver a
131838 - capability to everyone, per the letter to Pat Lincoln, ref DIP 3 4216,
131839 - reported on 000725. ref SDS 40 1581
131840 -
131841 -
131842 -
131843 -
1319 -
1320 -
1321 - 0902 received letters from Jack
1322 -
132201 - Jack sent a letter reminding that we met on 000725 during lunch, and
132202 - so the record should indicate that. ref SDS 41 0897
132203 -
132204 -
132205 -
132206 -
132207 -
132208 -
1323 -

Debugging by Many People
Ownership Investment Lost
Product Design, Control Lost
Management Cannot Make Assignments

1707 -
170701 -  ..
170702 - Ownership, Patents, Licensing Require Review
170703 -
170704 - Follow up ref SDS 41 1222, ref SDS 40 1222.
170705 -
170706 - Commercial entity to produce SDS for KM...
170707 -
170708 - Open Source API
170709 -
170710 -       Jack sent a letter, ref DRT 1 0001, commenting on analysis of
170711 -       license issues posed by his business model in the record
170712 -       yesterday on 000726. ref SDS 41 5293
170713 -
170714 -       Today, he submits a clarification concurring that an open
170715 -       source license would include attribution.
170716 -
170717 -       Jack also says the license would provide that such attribution
170718 -       cannot be used in any advertising claims. ref DRT 1 3192
170719 -
170720 -       This seems to conflict with the purpose of attribution.  One
170721 -       way open source can compensate for getting SDS code is to
170722 -       include attribution in advertising.  There be a distinction
170723 -       between attribution saying compatible with Welch standards for
170724 -       SDS, and claiming in and advertisement that the product is the
170725 -       same as SDS.  Not sure about the range of issues that need
170726 -       considertion.
170727 -
170728 -
170729 -
170730 -
170731 -  ..
1708 -
1709 -
1710 - 1137 called Morris
1711 -
171101 - He read through Jack's proposal, and said he does not see what the
171102 - entity gets out of the deal.
171103 -
171104 - We reviewed analysis on 000726, ref SDS 41 1222,
171105 -
171106 - Morris said open source means we give them the code.  I noted that
171107 - Jack is not calling for us to give them the code.  He just wants an
171108 - explanation of how to build it, then he will write his own code.
171109 -
171110 -
171111 -
1712 -

Evaluate Market Conditions
Demand SDS
Market Potential SDS
Market Conditions DKR Project at SRI
Killer App KM Solution
Search Engine Improve Keyword Needed for Killer App Enterprise Manage
Search Engine Email Knowledge Base
Email Core Capability DKR, Eric, 000505

2511 - 1503
2512 -
251201 -  ..
251202 - Email Search Engine Knowledge Base Demand by People Forgetting
251203 -
251204 - Received letter, ref DRT 1 0001, from Eric Armstrong responding to a
251205 - letter from Jack Park, who frames an issue of demand for KM...
251206 -
251207 -     ...people send email messages with information that needs to be
251208 -     remembered.  But it is forgetten and lost in mail folders.  The
251209 -     original version of arts, blackarts, solved this by providing an
251210 -     easy way to take mail messages as they are created or seen by
251211 -     people and push them into a web based document repository and give
251212 -     them some semblance of order. Over time the system has grown to
251213 -     support multiple repositories, sections in the repositories, and
251214 -     crosslinking of documents between sections. ref DRT 2 0001
251215 -
251216 - Need to see how document management is accomplished by system Jack
251217 - cites, and how managing documents, per above, ref SDS 0 G6Y4, is
251218 - integrated into the work flow to improve management productivity.
251219 -
251220 -     Second, why just improve email.  What about phone calls, meetings,
251221 -     working on spreadsheets, desiging a bridge, going to the doctor...
251222 -     All human activities need a tracking system.
251223 -
251224 - Eric makes a similar point in his reply to Jack. ref DRT 2 5O7G
251225 -
251226 - He asks...
251227 -
251228 -    1.  What do users see as the good and bad points of the system? How
251229 -        would they improve it, given the chance? ref DRT 2 HP7O
251230 -
251231 -    2.  The initial doc page didn't have much. It says that this page
251232 -        has a sample repository and more info:
251233 -
251234 -
251235 -
251236 -    3.  But there is a lot on that page. It's not immediately apparent
251237 -        what they are referring to. In fact, after considerable
251238 -        inspection, I *still* can't figure out what they might be
251239 -        referring to on that page... ref DRT 2 MP8J
251240 -
251241 - On 000606 Jack submitted information indicating ontology capability
251242 - was being used. ref SDS 26 0001  Subsequent investigation showed the
251243 - representations by the vendors and developers was incorrect.
251244 - ref SDS 27 0001
251245 -
251246 -
251247 -
251248 -
251249 -
251250 -
251251 -
251252 -
251253 -
251254 -
2513 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"