440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 29, 2000 08:54 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Notified Kory that medication for rosacia has not been received.
2...Toenail Fungus
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0201 - Kaiser Medical Center 415 929 4000
020101 - Dr. Kory Zipperstein, MD; Physician =415 202 2207 (advice)
020102 -
020103 - Department of Dermatology =415 202 2000
020104 - 2350 Geary Boulevard, SF, CA 94115
0202 - Kaiser Permanente - Shadelands 925 906 2200
020201 - Walnut Creek, CA
020202 - Dr. Elia Racah, M.D.; Primary Care Physician =925 906 2040
020203 -
020204 - Primary Care =925 206 2040
Rosacia, 940624
Lamisil Fungus Treatment
Rosacea Medication Not Delivered, 000308
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Follow up ref SDS 41 0000, ref SDS 39 0000.
050702 -
050703 - Sent regular email asking Kory about progress on my letter,
050704 - ref DIP 1 0001 explaining have not received medication for rosacia
050705 - which Kory ordered on 000216, ref SDS 39 0001, confirmed by his
050706 - letter. ref DRP 1 0001
050707 -
050708 - Request again effort to expedite the order and other issues in the
050709 - letter.
050710 -
050711 - Received letter from Kory saying the pharmacy received the Rx but did
050712 - not mail the medication. He submitted another prescription to the
050713 - mail order pharmacy today. We shoul receive the medication in the
050714 - next 4-5 days. ref DRP 5 0001
050715 -
050716 - A week later on 000404 the thing still had not been delivered.
050717 -
050718 - Called the pharmacy.
050719 -
050720 -
050721 - 415 202 1786
050722 -
050723 - Talked to Peter....
050724 -
050725 - Peter said the doctor did not specify mail order.
050726 -
050727 - I explained having reviewed Kory's letter saying this is a mail
050728 - order prescription. ref DRP 5 0001
050729 -
050730 - Peter thinks something went wrong somewhere.
050731 -
050732 - He will have the medication delivered after 1700 on 000404.
050733 -
050734 -
050735 - 5519189
050736 -
050737 -
050738 -
050739 -
050740 -
050741 -
050742 -
0508 -
Lamisil Fungus Treatment
Fungus on Feet, 000207
Toenail Fungus, 000308
0706 -
070601 - ..
070602 - Toenail Fungus
070603 -
070604 - Follow up ref SDS 41 8651
070605 -
070606 - Kory says Oral Lamisil is one of the most effective treatments for
070607 - toenail fungus; however it works only 50-80% of the time. If it
070608 - works, the nail will not look normal for 8-18 months after finishing
070609 - the pills (depending on how fast the nails grow). ref DRP 5 0002
070610 -
070611 - Sent Kory a note thanking him and asking if the Lamisil cream used for
070612 - the foot fungus problem will work in place of oral medication, and
070613 - aksed about how long the medication has to be taken, and where to buy
070614 - it. ref DRP 6 0004
070615 - ..
070616 - Received letter from Kory, ref DRP 6 0001, saying Lamisil cream
070617 - is effective for tinea pedis (athlete's foot), but not for toenail
070618 - fungus. Oral Lamisil 250 mg, 1 pill daily for 12 weeks (or 1 pill
070619 - twice daily for 7 consecutive days every 4th week for 3 or 4 months)
070620 - is the usual regimen for toenail fungus.
070621 - ..
070622 - The oral medication has some rare, health threatening
070623 - side-effects including liver and bone marrow toxicity, and severe skin
070624 - reactions.
070625 - ..
070626 - The Kaiser Health Plan does not cover the treatment of toenail
070627 - fungus and the pills are not cheap -- about $5 per pill.
070628 -
070629 - Sent another letter asking where we can purchase the product.
070630 -
070631 - [On 000330 received response. ref SDS 42 0001
070632 -
070633 -
070634 -
070635 -
070636 -
070637 -
070638 -
070639 -
070640 -
070641 -
070642 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"