Dynamic Alternatives
P.O. Box 59237
Norwalk, CA 90652
562 802 1639

Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 07:22:08 -0800

04 00074 60 03011901

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496
Subject:   Incorrect diary entry
Help to Delete Extraneous/Duplicate Entries in Diary Summary

Dear Rod,

I have a duplicate record listed in the diary for December 31, 2002. The second record doesn't exist.
I have attached the diary listing.

I ran the File -> Maintenance entry, and it reported 3 records from November 4, 2002 as not being needed. I had discovered this manually earlier and moved them into the SDS record area. They do not appear in the Diary.

Can you tell me what I need to do to fix these sorts of entries?
Since these are clearly related, I need to understand how SDS maintains Diary lists so that I can correct such problems, an possible write a script to rebuild the necessary files.



Garold L. Johnson


November 20, 2002
 0823  Creating Prior Date Diary From Diary Record                                                                                                                      - 021120 082337 GLJDY
 0938  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021120 093800 GLJDY
 0948  AREV Clean_Stack                                                                                                                                                 - 021120 094845 GLJDY
 1002  Gary explains PDF and sets work plans on learning SDS.                                                                                                           - 021120 100244 GLJDY
 1003  Using SDS Records From Other Users                                                                                                                               - 021120 100348 GLJDY
 1133  SDS Interaction With Other Data Formats                                                                                                                          - 021120 113356 GLJDY
November 21, 2002
 1128  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021121 112800 GLJDY
November 22, 2002
 1245  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021122 124500 GLJDY
 1248  Functionality For A New SDS                                                                                                                                      - 021122 124823 GLJDY
November 23, 2002
 0016  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021123 001600 GLJDY
 0954  Writing A Letter -- More Discussion with Rod Welch                                                                                                               - 021123 095457 GLJDY
 1125  Bulk Import of emails                                                                                                                                            - 021123 112557 GLJDY
 1134  Getting Things Done                                                                                                                                              - 021123 113429 GLJDY
November 24, 2002
 1045  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021124 104500 GLJDY
 1054  Com Manager Skills                                                                                                                                               - 021124 105408 GLJDY
 1332  No Longer Problem Creating New Subject Index Level                                                                                                               - 021124 133250 GLJDY
 1447  Corrected Some Broken Subject Index Links                                                                                                                        - 021124 144741 GLJDY
November 25, 2002
 0540  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021125 054000 GLJDY
 0603  Setting SDS Letterhead for HTML                                                                                                                                  - 021125 060319 GLJDY
 0614  Getting Things Done                                                                                                                                              - 021125 061414 GLJDY
 0637  Problems Uploading Records                                                                                                                                       - 021125 063759 GLJDY
 0657  Correct Problem with Too Many Tabs in KeyNote Files                                                                                                              - 021125 065748 GLJDY
 0710  Problem Editing Subject Index                                                                                                                                    - 021125 071001 GLJDY
 0734  Records Without Subjects Break HTML Conversion                                                                                                                   - 021125 073416 GLJDY
 0744  Subject Index Navigation Problem                                                                                                                                 - 021125 074420 GLJDY
 0811  Suggestion -- Underline Headings                                                                                                                                 - 021125 081142 GLJDY
 0856  Suggestion -- Extend SDS Using External Programs                                                                                                                 - 021125 085640 GLJDY
November 26, 2002
 0625  Extending SDS Toward a Windows Version Using External Programs                                                                                                   - 021126 062527 GLJDY
 0643  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021126 064300 GLJDY
 0745  CaseSoft Legal Support Tools                                                                                                                                     - 021126 074518 GLJDY
November 27, 2002
 0551  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021127 055100 GLJDY
 0619  Republishing Rod's Records to Fix HTML                                                                                                                           - 021127 061948 GLJDY
 0642  Perl Script to Manage Transfer Directories                                                                                                                       - 021127 064222 GLJDY
November 28, 2002
 0826  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021128 082600 GLJDY
 0831  Delphi Install Problems                                                                                                                                          - 021128 083126 GLJDY
 1044  Close DOS Window On Exit                                                                                                                                         - 021128 104453 GLJDY
November 29, 2002
 0900  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021129 090000 GLJDY
 1030  Delphi Install Issues                                                                                                                                            - 021129 103052 GLJDY
November 30, 2002
 0741  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021130 074100 GLJDY
 0757  Successfully Republished A Record to Fix HTML                                                                                                                    - 021130 075744 GLJDY
 0810  Problems Getting Diary for Rod                                                                                                                                   - 021130 081050 GLJDY
 0908  Fixed Batch File in MSDOS for Managing Xfer Directories                                                                                                          - 021130 090803 GLJDY
December 3, 2002
 0754  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021203 075400 GLJDY
December 4, 2002
 0810  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021204 081000 GLJDY
December 5, 2002
 0217  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021205 021700 GLJDY
December 7, 2002
 0104  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021207 010400 GLJDY
December 11, 2002
 0404  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021211 040400 GLJDY
December 13, 2002
 0505  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021213 050500 GLJDY
 1706  Hidden Villa                                                                                                                                                     - 021213 170632 GLJDY
 1720  Republished All Published Records to Fix HTML                                                                                                                    - 021213 172008 GLJDY
 1727  Blue Oxen collaboratories                                                                                                                                        - 021213 172744 GLJDY
December 14, 2002
 0814  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021214 081400 GLJDY
 0823  Test Import from Outline email                                                                                                                                   - 021214 082346 GLJDY
 0956  Comments on Mike Poremba proposed agenda for meeting.                                                                                                            - 021214 095640 GLJDY
December 17, 2002
 0849  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021217 084900 GLJDY
 0902  Organic Subject Structure Organization                                                                                                                           - 021217 090231 GLJDY
 1213  Indexing, Keywords and Need to Refactor                                                                                                                          - 021217 121308 GLJDY
December 18, 2002
 1025  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021218 102500 GLJDY
 1046  Ease of Linking, Excessive Linking                                                                                                                               - 021218 104629 GLJDY
December 19, 2002
 1131  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021219 113100 GLJDY
December 20, 2002
 0833  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021220 083300 GLJDY
December 25, 2002
 0921  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021225 092100 GLJDY
 1258  Open Exchange Server                                                                                                                                             - 021225 125823 GLJDY
December 26, 2002
 0848  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021226 084800 GLJDY
December 27, 2002
 0833  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021227 083300 GLJDY
December 28, 2002
 1011  Schedule and Diary Summary                                                                                                                                       - 021228 101100 GLJDY
 1031  SDS Interface and KM Support                                                                                                                                     - 021228 103140 GLJDY
 1401  Suggestions -- Importing Documents                                                                                                                               - 021228 140156 GLJDY
 1413  Reformatted MEdit Source Code                                                                                                                                    - 021228 141310 GLJDY

December 31, 2002 0601 Schedule and Diary Summary - 021231 060100 GLJDY 0604 Adding Anchors to Paragraphs Automatically - 021231 060447 GLJDY 0624 Hidden Villa - 021231 062427 GLJDY 0656 Confidentiality and Publishing SDS Records - 021231 065618 GLJDY 0656 Confidentiality and Publishing SDS Records - 021231 065655 GLJDY 0719 Error in Edit Menu - 021231 071951 GLJDY 0759 Creating Links in DIT Files - 021231 075954 GLJDY January 1, 2003 1139 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030101 113900 GLJDY 1421 Objectives of New SDS - 030101 142102 GLJDY 1533 Hidden Villa - 030101 153341 GLJDY January 2, 2003 0747 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030102 074700 GLJDY 0805 Resistance to New Tools - 030102 080527 GLJDY 1145 Paving the Cow Paths -- Automate What Works - 030102 114552 GLJDY 1420 Moore's Law and Value of Computer Power - 030102 142041 GLJDY January 3, 2003 0914 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030103 091400 GLJDY 0942 Extending SDS Using External Programs - 030103 094209 GLJDY January 4, 2003 1010 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030104 101000 GLJDY January 5, 2003 0752 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030105 075200 GLJDY 0822 Next Steps in Extending SDS Using External Programs - 030105 082235 GLJDY January 6, 2003 0221 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030106 022100 GLJDY January 7, 2003 0542 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030107 054200 GLJDY 0544 Computer Power and Cognitive Augmentation - 030107 054449 GLJDY 0909 Weinberg, Story Telling, and Memory - 030107 090904 GLJDY January 8, 2003 0338 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030108 033800 GLJDY 0342 Suggestion -- Handling Ctrl F6 Record Stack - 030108 034213 GLJDY 0353 Managing Software Development with SDS - 030108 035341 GLJDY 0503 Bug -- New Record - 030108 050315 GLJDY January 9, 2003 0732 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030109 073200 GLJDY 0739 SDS -- Indexing and Fixing Problems - 030109 073900 GLJDY January 10, 2003 0648 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030110 064800 GLJDY January 12, 2003 1057 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030112 105700 GLJDY 1058 Features for New SDS -- Editor - 030112 105827 GLJDY 2236 SDS Improvement Ideas - 030112 223612 GLJDY January 13, 2003 0259 SDS, Blog, and Wiki - 030113 025922 GLJDY 0430 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030113 043000 GLJDY January 14, 2003 0302 Uniform Notes - 030114 030241 GLJDY 0850 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030114 085000 GLJDY January 15, 2003 1211 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030115 121100 GLJDY January 16, 2003 0945 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030116 094500 GLJDY 1303 Assessment of SDS Software - 030116 130309 GLJDY January 17, 2003 0054 Desk Set movie -- Lessons and Ideas - 030117 005417 GLJDY 0935 Schedule and Diary Summary - 030117 093500 GLJDY January 18, 2003 0557 Bug -- Publishing Letterhead Reset - 030118 055729 GLJDY