Dynamic Alternatives
P.O. Box 59237
Norwalk, CA 90652
562 802 1639

Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 05:45:56 -0800

04 00074 60 02110304

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496
Subject:   4DOS Features and Advantages
Debugging in 4DOS

Dear Rod,

Here are some 4DOS features that may help us with the debugging effort on batch files:
DIR command defaults

The alias mechanism allowed me to set defaults for the dir command:

* alias dir=*dir /ze
The asterisk prevents the 'dir' in the alias from being treated as an alias. Now *dir executes the raw command.

This should force the format that Rod wants everywhere it is used.
Debugging Batch Files

There is a LOG command which will log all batch commands to a file. By default, the file is c:\4doslog. The '/w file' switch will change the file.
Purpose: Save a log of commands to a disk file.


   LOG [/H /W file] [ON | OFF | text]

   file:  The name of the file to hold the log.
   text:  An optional message that will be added to the log.

/H(istory log) /W(rite to file)
LOG "This is a heading" writes the text to the log file.
There is also a batch file debugger activated by SETDOS /Y1 and turned off by SETDOS /Y0. This allows line by line tracing of batch files and provides access to LIST for viewing files.
The combination of features together with redirecting output should help a lot.
It is not clear how these setting affect files or commands executed using DOSE.



Garold L. Johnson