Knowledge Management Consortium, Inc.
San Francisco Chapter
Street address
San Francisco, CA 94111
800 340 7064

Date: Sun, 09 Jun 2002 08:10:24 -0700

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496
Subject:   KM Cluster Taking Notice of Progress


Thanks again for your message and interaction.
It is challenging to understand and position "SDS, Com Metrics, POIMS or NWO." Can't seem to gather enough from your homepage and there really is no place to turn for a succinct and objective statement of purpose. Without a search function, white paper, value proposition and other basic support mechanisms, it impossible to make sense of what the offering is all about.
For example, the attached graphic is one tool used to inventory this space. The offerings listed on this particular exhibit are only those that have had a modicum or more of commercial visibility. There exists hundreds more in the open-source space. Add to that the start-up activities of the last few years, grad-school theses, govt subsystems and reseller developments, and there are hundreds and hundreds more. Not to mention the process consultants and their vast offerings of techniques, methods and related dogma.
(If you could comment on where you believe "SDS, Com Metrics, POIMS or NWO" fit on this proven template, it would be good step.)
Sadly, the progenitors often make lofty and hubristic claims about their offerings. It seems to go with the territory. It compromises the holistic and balanced efforts need to propel real progress and create lasting value.
Exalted, one-size-fits-all claims are tantamount to an obituary in this space.
To wit, "This record suggests that where a new way of working is discovered that lifts the capacity to think, remember and communicate, then failing to pass along good news of this new practice out of exaggerated concern about diversity is to elevate form over substance."
'Guess we can agree to disagree. Every single supplier on the attached inventory could publish and probably has published the same eyewash. In reality, adaptability and survivability require being a part of the thriving, diverse KM ecosystem.

"It distorts the purpose of diversity to discover something useful, rather than merely engage in endless search."
Ah, er, I don't think so. For example, heterophilious links of low proximity are central to the diffusion of innovation. Diffusion and assimilation is also a highly counter-intuitive process. Operating in an increasingly diverse environment extends and expands your possibility of survival and prosperity. It is incontrovertible.
Now, if your emphasis is on the narrow-band vertical application of management decision support, then that is great. If you have arrived at some technical gadgetry and process that advances this limited but important KM discipline, then it could be a real contribution. It is important to continually refocus the context, refine the message and restate the purpose, in order to contribute to the overall viability of the ecosystem.
Another grave pathology in this space is the white-hot focus on "...things that save time and money..." Skilled practioners understand that it is strictly not an efficiency play, never was, never will be. That's what led to most all of the gruesome train wrecks. It is much more oriented towards effectiveness, productivity growth (innovation), value, agility, relationship, conversation, collaboration and community. Metrics have value only insofar as they enable and shepherd change, that's all.
Thus, requisite diversity is the only approach to progress and advancement. This is not at the expense or detriment of any one species, but is in service to the solution ecology.
I have not cced: David or Patrick, because I have never met these people, online or otherwise. To me it is unfair to blindside opinion leaders out of context or w/o an existing relationship. Jack I know from unrev/ohs (lucky you!).

By coincidence, I will be working with Snowden tomorrow and Tuesday at this executive retreat.

The Agenda is attached.



John Maloney
Tel: 415.902.9676

Create the Future! Join the KM Cluster --

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