Knowledge Management Consortium, Inc.
San Francisco Chapter
Street address
San Francisco, CA 94111
800 340 7064

Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2002 13:36:31 -0700

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496
Subject:   Meeting on Boeing Case Study Cost Aspects


Thanks for your message and remark:

171466 -
171467 -     This record indicates that attending KM Cluster events is not an
171468 -     effective method of advancing KM.
171469 -

I agree, "attending" won't help. In fact, we shun attendees.
The KM Cluster is a community of practice. We seek participation, not attendance.
As a community, we also deliberately and consciously avoid what Peter Drucker calls, "Confucius-type KM Mandarins."
There are other so-called KM communities, but they are often recklessly determined on advancing the leader's particular method or technique.
The KM Cluster's sole pursuit is driving an ecosystem of diverse practices, methods and techniques. This is achieved through triangulation with business leadership, academia and KM practice.
Agenda are set by participants. Every quarterly announcement invites participants to address the community.
Personally, as KM Cluster sponsor, I am not in a place to comment on "on SDS, Com Metrics, POIMS nor NWO" or any other particular technique or method.
Doing so would break the law of requisite variety that is a strict requirement for KM Cluster adaptability, survival and growth.
Evaluation, approbation or endorsement of any technique or method whatsoever is the antithesis of the KM Cluster philosophy, operating principles, tactics and dialectics.
However, as a KM Cluster participant, I am entitled to an opinion, just like every other community member. Thus, please find attached a recent article from the "Special Edition Journal of Knowledge Management" that IMHO captures well the current state-of-the-art.



John Maloney
Tel: 415.902.9676
eFax: 415.276.6074

Create the Future! Join the KM Cluster --

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