National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, VA 22230

Date: Thu, 10 Jun 99 08:13:50 -0700

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496

Subject: NSF Proposal #9961176


I have forwarded your message on to the NSF Fastlane help desk and I hope it may be of some help. You should also try calling the NSF FastLane help desk at: 703-306-1142.

Unfortunately, we (here at the SBIR Conference & Resource Center) have no authority to act or speak on behalf of the NSF, so take this message for what it is, just someone unofficially trying to help.

Although I can't reflect how things work at the NSF, I can tell you that the commercial Internet is never a 100% certainty and failsafes on the part of any submitter should be kept in mind. The Internet doesn't function as a direct connection between you and the server you are trying to contact. It is much more like a "relay race" where a baton is passed among the various runners, and anywhere in between this baton can (and many times is) dropped. The result is not being able to reach certain servers (usually when you need them the most). The target server can be up and running to many but inaccessible to you via your routing. Unlike the US Post Office, there is no official electronic postmark that can be used to extend deadlines.

I hope this issue goes well for you because we all like to see good proposals become winners. Thank you for using our service.


SBIR Conference Center

Rick Shindell

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