440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1998 08:50:29                         04 00067 61 98081314

Mr. Norman Butler
609 Blossom Court
Pleasantan, CA  94566

Subject:  Communication Metrics Web site

Dear Norm,
You will probably see this when you get back from vacation.

I am just following up our discussion at Patti's wedding, when I indicated plans to send you notice of a management system I call Communication Metrics.

The basic idea is that business communications are a bit amorphorous, often tenuous, so it might be possible to use technology in a way that produces useful "business intelligence." A simple way to think of it is if someone asks whether "intelligence" is helpful to management, most people would say yes. But going beyond and saying what it does and how it works becomes complex. There is an "intelligence" role in the military, but it is foreign to business.

Anyway, when you have time take a look and let me know what you think.

Thanks, and happy vacation to you and Judy.



Rod Welch