Chips & Technologies, Inc 2950 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134

Date: Thu, 03 Sep 98 08:39:36 -0800

Mr. Rod Welch The Welch Company 440 Davis Court #1602 San Francisco, CA 94111 2496

Subject:   Re:Comm Metrics, "How"

Dear Rod,

How about:

Communications Metrics takes advantage of best known methods in business information management to provide meaningful intellegence to managers.

It is typically implemented with a "communications manager" who attends meetings, keeps a chronology of events, provides event linkage, history, and analysis. The data is sumarized, and aligned with business objectives. The process of constant analysis and alignement with business goals allows management to spot problems early, and take corrective action before a crisis.

Communications metrics has shown significant value in the construction industry where the alignment is to a contract. In this industry, a measureable benefit is in claims management from contractors. Claims typically result from small decisions made months before the claim is generated.

The communications manager alerts management to the divergence from the contract, and the possibility of a claim. When the claim is generated, the chronology and data provide information required to ensure the burden of the claim is not unfairly born by the client.

The Welch Company has experience applying communications metrics in the construction industry, and makes these services available directly, and through training and tool deployment.

I banged it out quickly, but what do you think?



Mr. Morris E. Jones
Sr. Vice President