Deneen Consulting
24 Heritage Oaks Road
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
925 229 1858

Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2002 19:13:39 -0700

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496
Subject:   CITRIS Summit on Innovative Information Technologies for Homeland


Agenda FYI. Looks interesting, especially since we know some of the attendees like Pat Lincoln and Bill Mark from SRI and Jim Spohrer from IBM. Perhaps we can contact them and ask about possible opportunities for pilot testing SDS?
Happy, July 4th


Deneen Consulting

John Deneen
925 229 1858

CITRIS Summit on Innovative Information Technologies for Homeland

June 25, 2002 - Agenda (condensed)

10:40 a.m.

Opportunities and Challenges for Industry-Academia-Government Nexus
Breakout Working Sessions - Group Leaders: Ted Schlein (Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers); Dr. David Liddle (US Venture Partners); Dr. Bill Mark (SRI International);

Dr. Steven King (Office of the Secretary of Defense); Dr. Steven Lukasik (SAIC-Science Applications International Corporation), Dr. Daniel Pitt (Santa Clara University).

  1. What are current bottlenecks in transitioning from research to marketable/deployable products?
  2. What is the current market outlook for information assurance products?

  3. Are there any organizational structures desirable for managing the relationships between the research community, the venture and financial communities, and DoD/Government?

1:00 p.m.

Plenary Panel Discussion: "Information Assurance Needs for Enterprise Systems and Networks"
Frank J. Fanzilli, Credit Suisse First Boston; Dr. Rich de Millo, Hewlett Packard

Dr. James Spohrer, IBM

Dr. Barani Subbiah, 3Com; Phil Edholm, Nortel Networks

1:45 p.m.

Plenary Panel Discussion: "Perspectives on Commercialization of Information Assurance Technologies"
Dr. Terry Benzel, Network Associates

Kim Koro, Qualcomm; Vincent Steckler, Symantec
Dr. Jeff Voas, Cigital

2:40 p.m.
Information Assurance Breakout Groups

Secure Systems (2 groups) -

Group Leaders: Dr. Doug Tygar (UC Berkeley)

Dr. Jonathan Smith (University of Pennsylvania)
Secure Networks (2 groups) - Group Leaders: Dr. Sri Kumar (DARPA-IPTO)

Dr. Patrick Lincoln (SRI)
Next Generation Tools for Intelligence Analysis -

Group Leader: Dr. Edward Feigenbaum (Stanford University) ..
Technology Outlook: What research areas are appropriate for commercialization?

Technology Gaps: What areas of research need greater emphasis?
From Technologies to Deployed Systems: Scalability, extensibility, experimentation needs?

Models of partnership between research community, government, venture investors, and industry.