Kurtz-Fernhout Software
Message-id: 3CDFCCC9.D183E1DA@kurtz-fernhout.com

Date: Mon, 13 May 2002 10:25:13 -0400

04 00067 60 02051301

Unfinished Revolution
OHS DKR Project
SRI International
333 Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Subject:   Progress Slowed on OHS/DKR Developing
Open source + patents = puzzled

Johannes Ernst wrote:

Am I off-base here, or is there quite a can of worms hidden here somewhere? Anyone ever looked at the patent portfolio of any of the (particularly larger) companies that often release some of their own code into the public domain?
I am not a lawyer, but I am a twenty+ year software developer with an interest in copyright and patent legal issues, and it is my understanding that:

1. You can release code under an open source license such as BSD (which does not reference patents) and then sue users of the code for patent infringement even if they are only using exactly the code you wrote. This is clearly unfriendly, and users might fight in court saying you gave them an implied license, but I think the author (patent holder) might win. Look at it this way, if you own a patent on an algorithm, like many "non-profits" do these days,



...why not just release an explicitly public domain implementation and then say if someone wants to use the code, they must also pay to license the patent?

The unfortunate thing about software patents is they imply having a copyright license to copy code in no way ensures you have all the licenses needed to run the code. Note that some especially greedy non-profits (or for-profits) try to double dip by charging separately both for patents and access to copyrighted implementations, but that's another story (they often try to also claim trade secrets in the copyrighted code as well to prevent discussing its shortcomings).
2. Some licenses like the GPL explicitly say any referred patent will be licensed freely.


Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
[Note: IIRC Richard Stallman says this can be read to say a patent only needs to cover free GPL implementations and can be otherwise enforced against others.]

While one may or may not like the GPL's political stance on enforced sharing, this is one gotcha it it confronts up front -- contributors embedding patented algorithms to trap the unwary. Note that patents (and copyrights) unlike trademarks can be enforced at any time -- even after letting users slide by for years infringing the use of them (witness the current British Telecom effort to enforce a hyperlinking patent).

3. Note though, that if GPL'd code is found to unknowingly reference a patent that isn't freely licensed, the GPL says the code can't be redistributed by anyone.
From the GPL license text:

If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.

Contrast this with "permission to use".


One reading of "permission to use" would imply if you contribute any code to any Bootstrap effort you grant a license to Bootstrap and Stanford to use any software patents somehow referenced by the code however they see fit in any projects (including sublicensing to Microsoft). However, this license does not extend to any end users of your code or content (since "permission to use" just grants rights to Stanford and BI, not the end users). Note that if you don't own all patents referenced by your contributed code (say you put in hyperlinking code but don't have a worldwide license to BT's hyperlinking patent) then the indemnification clause of "permission to use" might be read to imply you need to pay Stanford or BI whatever it takes to make the patent holder happy (could be $billions for worldwide licensing rights, including all legal fees etc.). This is why I harp on the revision of "Permission to use" so that the Bootstrap OHS coding effort can move forward as "open source" or "free software", where contributors in the U.S.A. feel comfortable contributing given software patents. [Just rattling around as another Thursday CPC meetign has presumably came and went... ]
Proposal: regarding patents, repeal "permission to use" and use the GPL license for the OHS project. Insist (only) that all contributors say their work is original, and that they have permission to contribute it from their employer if such is needed, and that they contribute the code under the GPL license.
The old approach over the past two years isn't working to produce code.

To paraprase an old TV commercial -- "Where the code?"

Why isn't there any significant OHS code released through this colloquium? Perhaps, realistically, nobody who insists on a more permissive license (like BSD or Apache) because they have proprietary commercialization plans for OHS is likely to be going to do any work of this magnitude gratis anyway, and there are too many smooth talking (university) competitors for grant funds to pay people to do it

...otherwise significant funds would have been here by now -- given the effort Doug (and others) have expended in beating the bushes. [Feel free to surprise me.]
Yet, the "permission to use" policy has driven away the very peopel who might build a libre OHS gratis. If someone finally gets significant grants funds for an OHS, and it can be proprietary, the effort will probably just vanish in the noise of all the other ongoing proprietary KM efforts brought up by list participants.

With Doug's visibility coupled to a GPL'd OHS implementation, the project might get somewhere faster. We could even have two competing projects -- an Apache version and a GPL'd version. I'd work on the GPL version. Sadly, "permission to use" directly blocks my own efforts in any public OHS direction involving the community of this list. It is very frustrating -- because I can't just say to this list "here is a GPL'd OHS project" without also writing a blank check to Stanford and BI. (I would if I could just to see the project go forward and Doug's vision realized, but I can't - and even if I could, I doubt my wife would approve. :-)
Besides, I could not in good conscience convince any other person to contribute even one line of code under "permission to use" -- since even if I were willing to risk my entire financial future myself, I could not ask others to be so foolish given all the thousands of other open source or free software projects out there (many I first saw here) that touch on OHS issues and do not have such a problem.
That is mainly why I stopped posting on this list -- to disassociate my efforts from any twisting of "permission to use". I post now in hopes this "permission to use" and patent license etc. issues can finally be resolved. Alternatively, can some lawyer or judge just declare "permission to use" invalid because it is a very broad agreement to hold if not signed (or at least the "extended" part) -- essentially becoming in effect like an overly broad non-compete agreement for any prudent person?
Anyway, better things to do than be a broken record on this topic. If the "permission to use" issue as regards software patents and other things gets resolved someday (and Mei Lin wrote 1 May 2002 a discusion is in the works), fantastic -- and please let me know so I can contribute then. If not, this is the last I'll post on this "permission to use" indemnification issue, to avoid dragging down the other very positive aspects of this discussion forum (and myself in negativity). I learn much by following this list. I'm unfortunately still left in a quandry about whether posting on other issues here or unrev creates too much of an association of my other efforts (like the Pointrel Data Repository System) and "permission to use" and so the prudent thing on that basis is not to post (such as during most of the past year) until the issue is resolved. Whether I can contain myself given all the great discussions going on here remains to be seen.
It's also saddening to see great contributors like Chris Dent and Kathryn La Barre



...left twisting in the wind so long regarding a firm answer from BI or BA or Stanford on copyright issues for the email archives -- when the whole point of "permission to use" should be to at the very least make work such as theirs possible! So "permission to use" prevents my work here on code, but yet has produced no real benefit when it could, thus making it in practice the worst of both worlds. As I wrote before (April 30, 2002 on the unrev list), if the work can't be done pro-bono, I'll pledge US$300 towards legal fees for a lawyer to unravel this mess of "permission to use" to strike a better compromise for OHS coding volunteers and get Stanford and BI (or whoever) to sign off on it.

Paul Fernhout
Kurtz-Fernhout Software