Jack Park
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Palo Alto, CA Zip


Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 15:19:47 -0700

From:   Jack Park
Reply-To: unrev-II@egroups.com

To:     unrev-II@egroups.com

Subject:   Towards a definition of Knowledge

"The standard philosophical conception of knowledge defines knowledge as a true well-justified belief or proposition. Knowledge is achieved, at least in standard empiricist dogma, by some learning process, either through perception or through the adoption of such a tradition that contains previously gathered knowledge. In the tradition of EE followed here, an analogy between evolutionary adaptation through natural selection and the increase in environmental knowledge is emphasized. More specifically, this knowledge is not simply about the environment, but rather about the relationships between the knower (e.g. organism) and its environment."

From -- Extended concept of Knowledge for Evolutionary Epistemology and for Bisemiotics...



Jack Park