Alternative Interface Devices.


Date: Wed, 3 May 2000 23:27:53 -0700 (PDT)


Subject:   Towards an atomic data structure


I think a real important thought that has been missing in the last 30+ e-mails is that the objective is developing knowledge by collaborative cooperation.
I mean one thing the DKR/OHS must give us is a simpler way for one or a group to take all those last 30+ messages, glean the important parts, organize and consolidate these important parts, then republish the refinement to those who wish to study the topic outside the relative chaos of an e-mail type system. The new item includes references to all the previous items so that someone could go back to verify proper extraction, but most importantly, maintain the link with underlying facts or assumptions in case they change, requiring a change to the new node, This is how we can evolve knowledge about a particular topic.
I think we must take the approach that the DKR/OHS will be employed by a group of people with a purpose and that the main purpoe will be gathering and processing information about a specific problem, not just surfing around looking fo interesting stuff to add as various categories. Anyone will be able to use a personal DKR/OHS for that purpose. And they will probably be doing this under the guidance of some sort of management, working in a relatively closed environment on mostly propriietary problems, and having a budget of time or money which may set some bounds on the project. And, they will be counting on this tool we are thinking about in order to achieve success.
Anyway, how do these glorified chat rooms deal with the problem of helping with the task of generating and maintaining open source software, the first task we agreed to tackle. Perhaps we should try a more convenient and useful tool than this e-mail, but I think that we should start to build something right now that at least gives us some easy methods to process piles of data like this e-mail forum into a presentation we can use. It is way too early to think we will block ourselves by taking some initial approach that later must be scrapped. This will give us some experience in what this thing has to do - augment the abilities of someone or a group that needs to get a job done where part of that job is sorting through a vast universe of information and generating useful content that describes a problem and suggests a solution.
Best Regards,


Alternative Interface Devices. Improve Accessibility and Utility of the WWW...