Colloquium at Stanford
The Unfinished Revolution


Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 14:37:04 -0800

From: Eric Armstrong Reply-To:


Subject:   Parliamentary Assistance proposal

[John Werneken on Fri, 25 Feb 2000 02:14:22 -0800] Your post contains many well-reasoned, passionate statements.

It's also important to recognize that Jon was not presenting Robert's Rules as the "right" way, or necessarily even the "best" way. I'm sure he would agree with many of the points you mentioned, if not all of them.

The point of Jon's proposal, as I understand it, was that many people DO use Robert's Rules, or something based on that mechanism (for better or worse).

Given that fact, and given that a DKR is a necessary part of any such system, automating a Roberts-like procedure gets the camel's nose under the tent flap -- it exposes many high-level decision-makers to an important reasoning tool they were unaware of before.

I say that only to do justice to Jon's proposal. As I will be arguing in a subsequent post, I think there is an even more compelling opportunity before us that will produce even faster results.

However, I do agree that we should be on the lookout for any decision-making procedure that works better, and augment *that* if we can. The major question I raised at that colloquium, in fact, was "are there any other decision making models we should consider using?"

For system design, we probably don't need a decision mechanism, because "don't do it if you're not sure" is a pretty reasonable design constraint. In many arenas, though, *some* decision is required. Faced with the inevitability of making some decision, if only by default, we must ask "what works best?"

Question: What would you recommend as the best source of information for one or more counter-proposals?


Eric Armstrong