440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

January 5, 1999                                                                      04 00065 61 99010501

Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect
Assistant Chief
Construction Operations Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
San Francisco District
333 Market Street; Room 806A
San Francisco, CA  94105 1905

Subject:  Communication Metrics
                Quality Control for Accuracy and Relevance

  1. Tom's letter on Jan 5, 1999
  2. Merry Goodenough's letter on Jan 4, 1999
  3. Tom's letter to CEMP-EC on Dec 23, 1998
  4. Merry Goodenough's letter on Oct 22, 1998

Dear Tom,

Thanks for submitting Merry's letter, ref b, citing ideas for effective metrics to ensure accuracy and relevance of daily communications.

Communication Metrics is a new management science that benefits from this input. The underlying tools and the process used by CESPN helps accomplish Merry's objectives, per your letter to CEMP on Dec 23, ref c, as further explained in the record for today. Could we review this with Merry in advance of our telecon with Jim Lovo at CEMP tomorrow?



Rod Welch