U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Military Programs
Engineering and Construction Division
20 Massachusettes Avenue, N.W.; Room 2229, Pulaski
Washington, DC 20314-1000

Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 14:09:34 -0400

From: "Lovo, James V HQ02" 

To: "Holliday, Barry W HQ02" ,

Subject:  Proposal to Evaluate a Methodology for Enhancing Communication


I am re-forwarding my e-mail of 4 March regarding a contractor's inquiry. As I point out, his proposal to review the Corps actions and experience with the Oakland Harbor project vis a vis Communication Metrics is out of my functional area. The contractor has recently inquired again whether you have had an opportunity to look at this proposal. It would be appreciated if you could let him know if you are interested or have concluded otherwise.



Jim Lovo
Military Programs