U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
San Francisco District
333 Market Street; Room 806A
San Francisco, CA 94105 1905

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1998 12:13:45

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA  94111 2496

Subject:  Comm Metrics, HQ USACE Review
                Security of the Record

Dear Rod,
Now that the information is on the "net" how do we make it protected for only certain users or viewers so that the whole world does not know what is going on.

Had my discussion with Mr. Gordon yesterday morning and went through the most recent changes that you have done to make the system more user friendly. Told him that the original scheme of things was to have this incorporated into the way we do business and have someone or two people trained to do the work of Communications Metrics to support project managers but that we were blocked by a sponsor that did not want to be held accountable for their actions or words.

The duration of the support was not long enough to realize the full benefits that could be achieved but it should be considered in the future as something that the COE should have in its arsenal of management tools especially in the age of cost sharing.

He seemed genuinely interested in the subject, but I am not sure how far he will take it. I told him to contact me anytime with further questions or comments on the use of Communications Metrics. I also told him that as far as I knew you were the only vendor that had this capability and I would support its use again.


Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect
Assistant Chief
Construction Operations Division