440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

December 12, 2000

04 00061 61 00121201

Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
Project Manager
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Telecom Business Development
77 Beale Street; Room 2359, Mail Code N6D
P.O. Box 770000
San Francisco, CA 94105-1814

Subject:   Com Metrics PG&E Fiberoptic Project

Dear Bill,

This confirms our discussion today with Jill and Toby at your PG&E offices, about using Communication Metrics. Our focus was on providing a scope of services and deliverables, for launching an ambitious program of expanding communication infrastructure throughout the Bay Area. The cost of initial support can range from perhaps $50K to upwards of $150K, depending on the scope adopted by PG&E, and the unfolding needs of the work. Based on the size, and expedited duration, of this overall infrastructure expansion program, a full-time program manager, reporting to Jill, can ensure that PG&E objectives succeed, by taking responsiblity to organize and plan the work, as we discussed today.

Since we are introducing SDS for the first time to your team, please remind Toby, Jill and colleagues to be judicious in accessing links. Generally, below this first level, the entire record of our meeting today can be reviewed. Links in the next level, however, should only be followed for a few paragraphs before returning to the prior level.

Thanks very much for considering Communication Metrics.



Rod Welch