440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

August 7, 1998                                                                       04 00035 61 98080602

Mr. Wayne Wetzel, Ph.D.
Deputy Director
State of Montana
Department of Natural Resources
and Conservation
1520 East Sixth Avenue
Helena, MT  59620 2301

Subject:  Submit corrected DNRC Contact rcd

Ref:   a. Review Wayne's Contact record, Aug 6, 1998
          b. Wayne's letter submitting Contact record, Aug 6, 1998

Dear Wayne,
It appears the problem is caused by the Welch code that needs to be revised to handle a broader range of user responses, in this case I think we need an "Internet" address line below your Contact name.

I have sent a revised contact record which you can try using the instructions in the record.

Please let me know if this makes progress on the problem.



Rod Welch

P.S. Have you seen the Welch web site? What do you think?