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Notes on the Role of Leadership and Language in Regenerating Organizations
Based on conversations with Dr. Michael Geoghegan
This book emerged from conversations between members of Paul Pangaro's
Developer Web Services team at Sun and Dr. Michael Geoghegan, who devoted more
than twenty-five years to research, development, and strategic planning at
Dr. Geoghegan helped the team examine their work in the context of Sun's
changing, highly competitive environment. In a market that raises many
fundamental business concerns, he gave them ways of evaluating and
regenerating their relationship with developers.
A distillation of decades of experience, the statements in this book draw on
concepts culled from fields as diverse as economics, philosophy, biology, and
cybernetics. The more central concepts and models are called out as sidebars.
The statements in this book are axiomatic. But the insights they contain are
anything but obvious.
An organization is a living system.
To survive in a highly competitive market, it strives to increase its
Language is the defining environment in which these systems live.
It is how those in the system reach agreement.
It is also a medium for organizational growth and change.
An organization increases its efficiency by creating and refining a shared
This common language helps the organization arrive at decisions more
Yet while this language fosters efficiency, it also limits the organization's
ability to evolve.
Constrained by its limited vocabulary, the organization becomes unable to
adapt to fundamental changes in its environment.
Unable to change, the organization eventually declines.
It is possible for an organization to learn and grow, but only if it creates
conditions that help generate new language.
Using new language, an organization may create new paths to productivity, and
regenerate itself.
The conversations necessary for generating new language and new opportunities
do not come naturally.
They do not use existing corporate vocabulary.
An organization does not want to hear these conversations -- even if it could.
This book explains how an organization may create new language and new
opportunities, find new paths to productivity, and regenerate itself.
On organizations
Organizations are living systems
An organization is a set of conversations between people.
These conversations are a living system.
Like all living systems, an organization seeks to survive and thrive.
An organization struggles with internal and external challenges.
To remain profitable and competitive, it seeks to gain efficiencies.
To become increasingly efficient, it narrows the language it uses.
To become effective in new domains, it must expand the language it uses.
By continually changing its language -- and its conversations -- an
organization may continually regenerate itself.
Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela refer to this self-making activity,
common to all living systems, as autopoiesis. Autopoietic systems act to
ensure their self-perpetuation, specifying their boundaries through
preferential transactions within the network.
Recognizing an organization as a dynamic, living system helps us identify
and analyze the continual change inherent in an organization, and in its
surrounding environment. It allows us to analyze its social structures,
activities, and evolution in valuable new ways.
An organization is best analyzed through its language, its conversations.
The agreements, decisions, actions-and transactions-that define the
organization all emerge from conversation.
For more on autopoiesis, see: Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela. For
more on conversation theory, see: Gordon Pask.
Organizations seek equilibrium and avoid change.
Most organizations have a vested interest in preserving their way of living
and doing business.
They tend to adjust or react to their environment in order to remain the same.
When an organization changes from within, it does not redefine itself, or its
It simply seeks to gain greater equilibrium, to become more efficient at what
it already does.
Any change that alters an organization's ideas of truth and identity is
The change erodes the conserved identity of those in the organization.
It seems to ignore lessons learned from previous experience.
It seems to question the legacy that made the organization successful.
So: The organization resists conversations that question its ways of doing
business and its role in the world.
The organization naturally resists new learning, change, and the stress of
Donald A. Schoen called this tendency to remain the same 'dynamic
conservatism'. He contrasted this static view of the organization with the
dynamism of a learning organization: "A learning system . . . must be one
in which dynamic conservatism operates at such a level and in such a way as
to permit change of state without intolerable threat to the essential
functions the system fulfills for the self. Our systems need to maintain
their identity, and their ability to support the self-identity of those who
belong to them, but they must at the same time be capable of transforming
For more on dynamic conservatism, see: Donald A. Schoen.
Change involves both organism and environment.
An organization's evolution cannot be understood in isolation.
An organization creates itself by conserving certain sets of relationships.
It preserves these essential relationships through its language.
Organizational change can be understood only in the context of these essential
relationships and this particular language.
So: The direction of an organization's change is determined by its own
All evolution is co-evolution.
All organizational change is relational.
Co-evolution consists of successive changes in two or more interdependent
species that affect their interactions. Development occurs within a single
species. By seeing evolution as occurring among species, we recognize the
interdependencies, co-adaptations, and modifications species make in order
to remain viable.
For more on development, co-evolution, and structural determinism, see:
Charles Darwin, Richard Dawkins, Paul Ehrlich, Stephen Jay Gould, Humberto
An analogy: The mouse teaches the cat.
The cat's nervous system compels it to respond to every small thing that
Trying to catch a mouse, a cat observes the mouse's actions closely.
The cat actively learns from the mouse's behaviors, continually changing its
capture strategy in response.
So: The mouse teaches the cat.
By listening to customers and closely observing their behaviors, an
organization gains a fuller understanding of their needs.
This understanding informs the organization's activities, and enables it to
increase efficiencies or create new businesses.
Of course, the mouse's behavior also changes continually, in response to the
cat's shifting tactics.
So: As the mouse teaches the cat, the cat also teaches the mouse.
The cat's behavior may be thought of as a double feedback loop:
The first feedback loop defines the cat's catching behaviors.
The second feedback loop dominates the first; it conserves the cat itself.
(For example: The cat may want to chase the mouse out a window, but its
system of self-preservation will prohibit that behavior.)
The mutual learning process is also a double feedback loop:
Processing input from the mouse, the cat continually adjusts its capturing
behavior, adaptively increasing efficiency and reducing noise in the
message (that is, limiting extraneous actions). Conversely, the mouse
changes its output based on the cat's input. As a result, the entire system
evolves over time.
The 'cat-mouse' analogy is a model of organizational learning behavior. The
organization that continually takes customer behaviors and activities into
account improves its efficiency over time. Concomitantly, customer
behaviors change based on the products or services supplied by the
For more on the cat-mouse analogy, see: W. Ross Ashby. For more on
cybernetics, see: Heinz von Foerster, Paul Pangaro, Norbert Wiener.
Sun is a living system of conversations.
Like any organization, Sun is a set of conversations among people.
Like any organization, Sun needs to change to meet the needs of a changing
Sun seeks to build on previous successes- but these successes emerged from
internal conversations that may no longer be as productive as they once were.
For Sun to evolve effectively, it must understand the ways its customers,
developers, and competitors are evolving.
It can understand this evolution only through its ongoing relationships with
customers, developers, and the market.
Only then can the company change in ways that better meet market needs.
On Language
An organization is its language.
Ultimately, an organization consists of conversations: who talks to whom,
about what.
Each conversation is recognized, selected, and amplified (or ignored) by the
Decisions, actions, and a sense of valid purpose grow out of these
Conversation leads to agreement.
Agreement leads to transaction.
Therefore, an organization's language is critically important.
It becomes more than simply a means for communication.
It becomes a field for action, and a way of constructing truth.
It becomes the basis for all transactions, the basis for all business.
Language affects, even constitutes, the ways people perceive their reality.
It is the medium in which decision making and other business activities
take place. Language recognizes, selects, and amplifies certain entities,
activities, and relationships, while ignoring others.
The structure of an organization's language is directly related to the
structure of its culture. Culture creates language, and language shapes
culture. An organization's ability to create language is synonymous with
its ability to evolve.
For more on the relationship of language to thought, see: Michel Foucault,
Humberto Maturana, Benjamin Whorf, Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Narrowing language increases efficiency.
Organizations create their own internal language to solve specific problems.
This language serves as a kind of shorthand:
Managers use it every day, knowing they will be clearly understood.
This internal language is designed to address the needs of the present-day
It helps the organization's managers answer familiar questions and thus
increases efficiencies.
Over time, this internal language grows increasingly specialized -- and
Typically, managers focus on improving their organization's current
performance. They use the organization's language to realize efficiencies.
As an organization grows more efficient, it focuses on increasingly
specific sets of problems. In similar fashion, its lexicon grows
increasingly narrow.
Often, those outside of the organization will not understand its internal
language. For example, to outside observers, conversation among Sun
employees around issues concerning "SunShot" may seem impenetrable.
For more on language and conversation, see: Gregory Bateson, Humberto
Maturana, Gordon Pask, Claude Shannon, Benjamin Whorf.
Narrowing language also increases ignorance.
The organization's internal language is designed to help managers facilitate
present-day business-- not look beyond it.
Using the internal language, managers increase efficiencies, but cannot
recognize new fields of research, new discoveries, new approaches.
Like all of us, they cannot recognize their own limitations.
Constrained by the previously successful language, we do not know that we do
not know.
Consequently, we think we know -- and thus cannot learn.
Developed as a tool to increase efficiencies, the organization's language,
paradoxically, becomes a trap.
Ignorant of our own ignorance, we cannot ask questions outside our own
language experience.
An organization's historical language has been responsible for its success;
it would seem nonsensical for decision makers to question it. As
efficiencies increase, managers fail to recognize the ways in which their
internal language fosters a kind of organizational myopia.
For more on language and conversation, see: Gregory Bateson, R. D. Laing,
Humberto Maturana, Gordon Pask, Benjamin Whorf.
Expanding language increases opportunity.
The conversations necessary for creating fundamental change do not come
They pose questions that cannot be understood in the organization's present
The conversations necessary for generating new opportunities come from outside
the system. Their language has a different history.
It is often technically and intellectually demanding.
Consequently, it is often dismissed.
For an organization to survive, it must be able to acquire new, relevant
language domains.
To avoid being trapped in obsolescent thinking, organizations change their
language. A generative organization, aware of the importance of asking
unnatural questions, deliberately creates new distinctions and supportive
relationships in which new language domains arise.
"The problem is not changing people's consciousnesses," stated Michel
Foucault, "but the political, economic, institutional regime of the
production of truth." Change the language, change the parameters for
discourse, and you change the organization.
Language creation may be thought of as a co-evolutionary process. New
language may be created through changing relationships, rather than by
overtly confronting an organization's power structure.
For more on power, language, and organizations, see: Michel Foucault,
Jorgen Habermas.
To regenerate, an organization creates a new language.
To support an organization's future viability, effective decision makers
actively introduce change into the system.
They do so by generating new language that appropriate groups in the
organization come to understand and embrace.
This new language does not overtly challenge the pre-existing, efficient
system, but rather creates new distinctions and supportive relationships.
In this way, decision makers act as interlocutors and incubators of systemic
To maintain an organization's co-evolutionary currency, decision makers
must generate the capacity to recognize new domains of discovery, and be
able to translate those into new language that reflects the company's
self-interest. These activities are absolutely necessary if any new
endeavor is to be successful.
The decision maker must provide adequate resources for the incubation of
systemic change-even though the specific incubation activities may not
easily be understood.
For more on power and language, see: Michel Foucault, Jrgen Habermas.
The Voltaire Principle.
In 1764, Voltaire published his Philosophical Dictionary, critiquing not only
Church teachings, but the naively optimistic philosophy of his time.
The heretical text was widely read by the intelligentsia.
Debating Voltaire's provocative ideas behind closed doors, they spread them.
Twenty-five years later, a revolution fueled by these ideas toppled the French
The Voltaire Principle:
An outsider introducing new language may incite radical change.
Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins defines these contagious ideas as
memes, 'units of cultural transmission, or units of imitation'. He views
them as living entities, analogous to genes in the gene pool. Dawkins
posits thought as the primary element in living systems. Technological
evolution is memetic evolution.
For more on memes, see: Richard Dawkins.
Sun must create new language.
Like any organization, Sun has its own internal language.
Like any language, it is a field for action, a way of constructing truth, a
basis for transaction and business.
To regenerate itself, Sun must first recognize the limitations inherent in its
current language.
Then it must seek out new language domains, and translate them into
conversations that the organization may understand and embrace.
When initiated by management, this process is highly specific.
It requires a deliberate, organized, dedicated search for new classes of input
into the organization's language.
Sun must generate the specific means to converse about new research,
discoveries, and approaches in ways that help the organization consider future
On Leadership
Leadership is a condition of an organization.
Leadership is not a property of a person.
Leadership has little to do with personality type.
Leadership is the reduction of uncertainty in an organization.
It comes from clear messages, which lead to focused actions that cannot easily
be misinterpreted.
It comes from developing channels for continuous feedback.
All these characteristics reduce cost and stress to the individual working in
the organization.
Leadership is not wisdom, personal charisma, or will-to-power. It is a
condition that arises when clarity of purpose (which permits unambiguous
action) exists within the organization.
Multiple venues for feedback into the system are a necessary condition for
its growth. Therefore, back channels must carry a variety of information.
Leadership must not be confused with the role of manager. Managers are a
class of decision makers in the organization; leadership is a condition of
the organization.
For more on cybernetics and leadership, see: Heinz von Foerster, Humberto
Leadership is the reduction of uncertainty.
When clarity and validity of purpose exist within the organization, the
feeling of ambiguity decreases.
Stress and cost to the system are lowered.
Uncertainty is reduced.
Those working in the system perceive an expansion of personal potential and
increased security.
As they become aware of opportunities for growth, they participate more openly
in the system. Feedback increases.
Leaders reduce uncertainty, give clear and meaningful messages, and provide
opportunities to act in ways that cannot easily be misinterpreted.
Within the organization, clarity of purpose leads to unambiguous action,
resulting in lower systemic cost. A sense of valid purpose creates an
expansion in personal potential, or 'ego space', which reduces stress.
As people grow more comfortable, they communicate more. A back channel
grows, informing clarity and validity of purpose, and completing a feedback
Uncertainty arises from ambiguity, which increases both cost and stress to
the system. As uncertainty and ambiguity increase, 'ego space' shrinks.
The entire environment is affected, as those in the system are much less
likely to provide effective feedback.
Political philosopher Jrgen Habermas defines the ways social systems
legitimize their rule, justify their right to power, and promote their
authority as 'legitimation'. If legitimation is not commensurate with an
organization's de facto legitimacy, a 'legitimation crisis' occurs,
resulting in upheaval and change.
For more on conditions for system survival, see: W. Ross Ashby, Heinz von
Foerster, Jrgen Habermas.
Past language limits future vision.
Managers understand the organization's past behavior.
But this knowledge, and the language that accompanies it, limit their vision
of the organization's potential future state.
Using the language of the past, managers may try to provide a vision for the
But it is an old future -- a memory of what the future could be.
Managers may strive for fundamental change, but their language prevents them
from achieving it.
In cybernetic terms, leadership may be thought of as the ability of a
regulator to extrapolate the behavior of the system, and act in
anticipation of its future state.
The organization's everyday decision makers (i.e., its managers) act to
ensure the organization's future viability. But they are limited by their
language, which views the future in terms of entities and activities
successful in the past. Hence, the managers' future vision will be a
retelling of the past, using old language. It will not be evolutionarily
For more on cybernetics, leadership, and anticipation, see: W. Ross Ashby,
Heinz von Foerster, Humberto Maturana.
Manager and Entrepreneur.
To better understand organizational regeneration, compare the activities of a
'Manager' and an 'Entrepreneur'.
The Manager is responsible for improving the organization's present-day
Acting in what he perceives to be his own self-interest, he uses the
organization's current language to improve efficiencies.
The Manager does not have the resources to recognize new domains or new
Such recognition would require new language skills, which would demand his
interest, time, and attention.
The Manager is complemented by the Entrepreneur, who recognizes new domains of
invention, and translates them into language that the organization
She selects potentially profitable discoveries, and lends them structure and
The Entrepreneur does not concern herself with present-day business.
Acting in what she perceives to be her own self-interest, she strives to
ensure the organization's future by facilitating its evolution.
The activities of the Manager and the Entrepreneur are complementary.
Relying on data, feedback, and current language, the Manager works
Relying on theory, hypothesis, and co-evolving language, the Entrepreneur
works deductively.
Together, they share all the requisite functions of management.
The organization needs both Managers and Entrepreneurs.
The former focus on the short term, increasing efficiency and ensuring
The latter focus on the long term, increasing opportunity and co-evolving with
the environment.
Sun needs different languages to discuss its present and future business.
Like all organizations, Sun must recognize two businesses: present and future.
Some within Sun are tasked with improving performance of the present-day
They use the current language to increase efficiencies.
Others are tasked with generating opportunities for Sun's future business.
They recognize new domains of invention and translate them into new language
that may lead to profitable new endeavors.
For Sun to learn and grow, both kinds of people are necessary.
On Change
Creativity = Recognizing invention. Profiting from discoveries. Developing efficiencies.
Successful organizations support at least three orders of creativity.
They provide resources to recognize invention, which opens up new domains of
In these new domains, profitable discoveries may be made.
They provide the necessary conditions for discovering and marketing products
and services that emerge from these new domains.
Then, they develop more cost-effective ways of producing and delivering these
new products and services.
Any invention may result in multiple discoveries; any discovery may be
brought to market more efficiently. Organizations co-evolve with the
marketplace only if they remain continually attentive to invention and
discovery. Internal organizational development results in greater
For example: Maxwell created a new domain by positing the existence of
radio waves. Hertz subsequently discovered them via experiment. From that
pioneering work, Marconi, Sarnoff, et al., built the business of radio.
History provides many cautionary tales of creative failure in
organizations. Some did not recognize the importance of a new field or
discipline (e.g., Kodak, Polaroid); others could not permit or sanction
discussion of new products or processes as a source of profit (e.g., Xerox
Though organizations may tout the importance of creativity, true invention
is rarely recognized, and even more rarely exploited.
Change = Defining New domains. Systems within a domain. Efficiencies in a system.
Change takes place only in relationship -- in the context of conserving a way
of living.
Change can be understood only in the context of what remains unchanged.
First-order change creates new domains and new generative languages.
Second-order change affects system rules within a new domain.
Third-order change seeks increased efficiency within that system.
Levels of change are analogous to orders of creativity (invention, discovery,
Change moves in only one direction: from identification, to selection, to
For more on types of change, see: Gregory Bateson, Richard Dawkins, Stephen
Jay Gould, Humberto Maturana.
The Law of Requisite Variety.
For any organizational endeavor to be successful, a necessary and sufficient
set of disciplines must be in play.
Each of these disciplines contributes a language that will frame decisions and
actions for that particular endeavor.
Having discovered the appropriate set of disciplines, the organization must
also structure relationships between the disciplines.
The task of discovering the critical variety of disciplines and relationships
is iterative.
Valid organizational design means putting requisite variety into play.
It means establishing relationships among the necessary and sufficient set of
disciplines to appropriately frame the conversations, decisions, and actions
of an organizational endeavor.
For appropriate regulation, the variety in the regulator must be equal to
or greater than the variety in the system being regulated. In other words,
a system can model something only to the extent that it has sufficient
internal variety to represent it. Cybernetician W. Ross Ashby defined this
principle as 'requisite variety'.
Typically, the project team iteratively determines the variety necessary
for its endeavor. This is a rigorous, deductive, convergent process:
Failure in designing the organization leads to failure for the entire
endeavor's execution. Cognizant of the scope of the entire project, the
team assembles subgroups; they negotiate languages to best accomplish their
specific tasks.
As a system moves toward equilibrium, it tends to become increasingly
efficient and insular, rejecting external input. To increase efficiencies,
it seeks to reduce variety. Therefore, attempts to increase variety are
likely to be misconstrued as inefficient or even as a failure to execute.
For more on requisite variety and related ideas, see: W. Ross Ashby, Heinz
von Foerster.
The Creative Conservation of Capital.
An organization may learn from the market, co-evolve with it, and regenerate
itself -- but only if its managers provide the necessary conditions.
Managers must provide the resources to recognize new domains of invention,
select those of potential profit, and translate them into language that the
organization will readily understand.
Recognizing new domains of invention and creating new language opens up new
opportunities for discovery.
Having recognized these new opportunities, the organization must provide the
necessary conditions to discover and market the products and services that
emerge from them.
Then, the organization must provide the resources to continually develop more
efficient ways of producing and delivering these new products and services.
All these activities are simultaneous:
In one domain, the organization realizes efficiencies.
In another, the organization discovers products.
And new domains may be created at any time.
In each of these domains, the organization is on the path to productivity.
To evolve, the organization must participate in all three levels of activity.
Participating means continually reinvesting in the necessary conditions for
these domains' survival.
Such reinvestment is highly directed, rigorous, and deductive.
It requires management to dedicate specific resources.
For an organization to creatively conserve its capital, it must regenerate
itself continually -- by creating new language; by recognizing and reinvesting
in invention, discovery, and efficiency; and by reinvesting in its potential
to co-evolve.
To create new language and future business, Sun must ask unnatural questions.
To evolve, Sun must continually reinvest in all three orders of creativity:
invention, discovery, and efficiency.
Sun must also recognize and value the new languages and conversations that
invention, discovery, and efficiency generate.
The source of new language is questions -- questions that spark new
conversations, questions that create controversy.
Ask yourself:
What questions should we ask?
And more important, ask yourself:
What questions are we not supposed to ask? (Ask those.)
Ask yourself:
Who aren't we conversing with?
And then ask them:
What are your questions?
Ask questions that don't come easily -- questions that are tough, awkward,
even taboo.
Ask unnatural questions.
Ashby, W. Ross
An Introduction to Cybernetics
Mechanisms of Intelligence: Ashby's Writings on Cybernetics
Bateson, Gregory
Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity
Bateson, Gregory, and Jorgen Reusch
Communication: The Social Matrix of Psychiatry
Darwin, Charles
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation
of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
Dawkins, Richard
The Selfish Gene
The Extended Phenotype: The Long Reach of the Gene
Ehrlich, Paul R., and Peter H. Raven
"Butterflies and plants: A study in coevolution," Evolution, volume 18, pp.
586-608, 1965.
Foucault, Michel. Edited by Colin Gordon.
Power: Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984
Gould, Stephen Jay
The Structure of Evolutionary Theory
Habermas, Jorgen
Legitimation Crisis
Reason and the Rationalization of Society, The Theory of Communicative
Action: Vol. 1.
Lifeworld and System: A Critique of Functionalist Reason, The Theory of
Communicative Action: Vol. 2.
Laing, R. D.
Maturana, Humberto R., and Francisco J. Varela
Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living
The Tree of Knowledge
Miller, Arthur L.
Imagery in Scentific Thought; Creating 20th Century Physics
Pangaro, Paul
"Cybernetics: A Definition" online at:
Pask, Gordon
Conversation, Cognition, and Learning: A Cybernetic Theory and Methodology
"A Comment, a Case History and a Plan," in Cybernetics, Art and Ideas
Schoen, Donald A.
Beyond the Stable State
Schumpeter, Joseph A.
Theory of Economic Development: An Inquiry into Profits, Capital, Credit,
Interest and the Business Cycle
Shannon, Claude E., and Warren Weaver
The Mathematical Theory of Communication
Smith, Adam
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
Voltaire (Francois-Marie Arouet)
Philosophical Dictionary
von Foerster, Heinz
Cybernetics of Cybernetics
Observing Systems: Selected Papers of Heinz von Foerster
Whorf, Benjamin. Edited by J. B. Carroll.
Language, Thought and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Whorf
Wiener, Norbert
The Human Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Philosophical Investigations
Notes on the Role of Leadership and Language in Regenerating Organizations
based on conversations that took place in 2002 with Dr. Paul Pangaro and
Dr. Michael Geoghegan produced by the Dubberly Design Office written by
Peter Esmonde photograph by Bruce Ashley
December 14, 2002
(c) 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.