440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

January 13, 1997

03 00070 97011301

Mr. Marc McGovern
Construction Manager
Construction Operations Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
San Francisco District
333 Market Street; Room 806A
San Francisco, CA 94105 1905
Subject:   Oakland Harbor Project, Contract DACW07-95-C-0003
Contract Administration Meeting, Jan 6, 1997
Schedule Review meeting on Jan 6, 1997
Meeting Max/Tom Benero/Rod Jan 10, 1997
COE serial letter # 126 dated Dec 31, 1996

Dear Marc,
Per understandings in discussions with Max and Tom last week, ref b, the Welch Communication Metrics contract is being closed out. Attached is the record for the progress meeting we attended last Monday on January 6, 1997 in the District's offices in Sausalito, California.

Also attached are notes of the Schedule Review meeting on the same date. Since the District Engineer has terminate the Welch contract, this is your release to use these materials as deemed appropriate without charge.
Per your request this morning, attached also is a copy of COE serial letter #126, which you furnished on Jan 10.



Rod Welch

Copy to:

  1. Max Blodgett
  2. Tom Keesling
  3. Herb Cheong
  4. Tom White
  5. Tom Benero
  6. Leonard SooHoo