San Francisco District, Corps of Engineers
333 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-1905

October 24, 1996                                                                     03 00070 96102401

Mr. Robert D. Johnston
Dutra Dredging Company
1000 Point San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA  94901

Subject:  Navy Sewer Line
                 Serial Letter No. CESPN-CT-95-C-0003-0008

Dear Mr. Johnston:
Reference is made to your contract DACW07-95-C-0003 for (-)42' Navigation Improvement, Oakland Inner and Outer Harbors, Alameda and San Francisco Counties, California.

This confirms directions given to you at the Progress Meeting on October 15, 1996 to proceed with construction of the Navy Sewer Line, bid item #0013, as shown in the plans and specs. It further responds to your serial letter #0177 dated October 15, 1996, which was received from you at the Progress Meeting on October 15, 1996.

This direction is as set out in the notes for the Progress Meeting on October 15, 1966, submitted to you on Oct 21, 1996. Your letter to the Corps dated August 12, 1996 includes a letter from the railroad's engineering consultant, Shannon & Wilson dated July 24, 1996, that shows your shoring submittal omitted information needed for design evaluation. You are therefore directed to complete your submittal of design information to conform with railroad standards, as called out on plan sheet 8 of 20 under Amendment No. 0001 of the contract documents.

In addition to this you have failed to provide information showing that the work required to perform the sewer line crossing at the UPRR location is greater than the cost reasonably entailed by the contract bid documetns. Accordingly, you are directed to proceed per the contract.


Thomas Benero
Chief, Contracting Division

cc  BENERO/b                   CHEONG, PMD,          BLODGETT, CESPN-CO-P

    KUHN, CESPN-??-??