440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

April 21, 1999

03 00050 61 99042101

Mr. David Buoncristiani, Esq.
Thelen, Reid & Priest LLP
2 Embarcaderro Center, 21st Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

Subject:   Communication Metrics for Common Administration of Contracts
Guidance on Reviewing the Record

Dear Dave,

After we talked on Monday, I set out judicious review to make reading in Knowledge Space more productive.

Now that you have considered Common Administration, if you wish to support this officially, that would be very helpful to others in evaluating this capability. A simple email would be adequate, or a letter. I would convert it into an HTML file, with your letterhead, as you have seen for other correspondence.

Thanks, as well, for asking Dutra about help on the Navy Sewer Line matter. Hope to hear from you on this.



Rod Welch

Post Script

If you want to try this technology, I would install it for free. Millie works at major law firm, and says they spend a lot of money making copies, sending faxes, and hunting for documents. People can't achieve a "paperless" office overnight, but since email is becoming more popular, this can be significantly enhanced while transitioning to a stronger management model.