440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

March 26, 1999                                                                       03 00050 61 99032601

Mrs. Kathleen Swanson
7501 Snowgoose Lane
Citrus Heights, CA  95621

Subject:  Family reunion

Dear Kathleen,

Thanks for being patient while I reviewed your letters. Sounds like your event for Jennifer will be great fun and a big boost for her new start in Southern California with Patty and Pablito. Glad to hear you and Rita are getting together with Candi. Stephanie seems to be having a strong influence on all of us, even from afar. The family reunion idea came from her memorial, and so passing spawns renewal and drawing together of those most dear.



Post Script:

You might notice there are a couple of Action Items if you have time.