440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

[Submitted via Internet]

March 7, 1998                                           03 00050 98030701

Mr. David S. Vannier
Program Manager for Consumer PCs
Intel Corporation
2200 Mission College Blvd; Mail Stop SC9-59
Santa Clara, CA  95052 8119

Subject:  Communication Metrics
                Anywhere, Anytime "Intelligence"

Ref:   a. IBM's Plan to Market "Business Intelligence", Feb 26, 1998
          b. Dave's letter to Rod Nov 21, 1997
          c. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' report Mar 28, 1997

Dear Dave,
IBM announced on Feb 26 plans to market "business intelligence." Per attached analysis, this gives visibility to the need for technology and expertise to assist leadership along the lines we have discussed the past year. 2866

Your Nov 21 letter asked me to keep in touch on the Corps of Engineers finding that Communication Metrics produces effective "business intelligence." New methods are difficult to explain to busy people. They need direct experience in order to have a constructive discussion. Possibly you might forward my analysis to others so they can experience how the Internet can deliver "intelligence," as a key component of Communication Metrics.

Morris Jones (with Chips) and I are going to visit in a few weeks on designing a Web site for Communication Metrics. This will make SDS design that connects summary to detail, and links new information to original sources, accessible through Web pages, so that true "intelligence" is available for end users, i.e., busy executives and managers. Perhaps you or a designee would like to contribute in formulating a design that supports your objectives for better management.

Ideally, if you and your boss feel your team is ready, we could try this approach at Intel. The aim is to evaluate whether your original idea in 1991 to use technology for management support can be aided by adding "intelligence" to information and delivering it "anytime, anywhere" to the people who need it. My theory is that this model improves productivity and earnings. If we can prove it by testing, then it grows the market for high performance PCs, as we discussed last summer.



Rod Welch

P.S.  We just bought a 300Mhz system, and find it produces faster, better,
      cheaper "intelligence."  That is an attractive idea.