440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
September 21, 1997
03 00050 97092101
Mr. Bill DeHart, PMP
Project Manager
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Grid Customer Services
245 Market Street; Room 681C, Mail Code N6D
P.O. Box 770000
San Francisco, CA 94177
Growing Demand for Communication Support
Dear Bill,
CSPAN has been broadcasting Senate hearings that demonstrate difficulty people
have remembering more than the gist of information, which
Henry Kissinger notes
causes endless mistakes that makes management an Alice in Wonderland of
continual bumbling.
A disturbing picture emerges that our "best and brightest" need a better
partnership between leadership and technology to properly exercise the reigns
of power for the most powerful nation on earth.
The endless stream of "Your notes say this..., I don't remember that.., I told
so and so this, but not that... I didn't make notes, but remember this part
and not that part because there was so much going on..., I clearly remember not
saying that because I would have remembered if I had. I don't remember now if
I had remembered then whether so and so gave me the letter or whether I sent
them the fax of the email about the meeting on the telephone call clearly
explaining that prior to the fax I remembered that I could not remember
receiving the letter you are asking about because there wasn't enough time. ize the need for clarity and accuracy to make communication effective, but there isn't enough time to write everything down. We have to expedite to make government effective.
Yes Senator, I fully agree and support business processes that ensure clarity
and accuracy to make communication effective in serving the people." ommunication effective, but there isn't enough time to write everything down. We have to expedite to make government effective. We have to expedite to make government effective.
The administration needs a meeting like
Gordon Smith
held on communications,
and somehow we need to get the report on
Communication Metrics
into their hands
before thing blows up when reliance on "guess and gossip" reaches a
critical mass of mistakes.