440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

May 18, 1997                                                                         03 00050 97051802

Mr. David S. Vannier
Director of Mobile Architecture
Mobile & Handheld Products Group
Intel Corporation
2200 Mission College Blvd; Mail Stop SC9-28
Santa Clara, CA  95052 8119

Subject:  Communication Metrics
                 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Report March 28, 1997

Ref:   a. Welch letter May 12, 1997
          b. Intel letter May 12, 1997
          c. Welch letter May 9, 1997

Dear Dave,
Here is the report on Communication Metrics. A Scope of Services in appendix D sets out the process of adding intelligence to information. While it is a fundamental advance in work practice, I can initially provide Communication Metrics without Intel having to learn a new way to work. As with the Corps of Engineers, you can then evaluate the viability for the methodology at Intel. I would like to hear your ideas on this, and on Intel's needs, opportunities and strategies. Thanks for your consideration.



Rod Welch