440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

April 26, 1995                                          03 00050 95042604

Mr. Bob Albo
Regional Manager
Axiom Management
539 Bryant Street
San Francisco, CA  94107

Subject:  Automated Management - POIMS & SDS
                 Communication Metrics

Dear Bob,
Thanks very much for visiting today per attached notes. I appreciated your comments on mainstream management theory and real world concerns. It would be a privilege to work with you and Axiom on developing a comprehensive solution for your customers to apply Communication Metrics. Everyday the pressure is increasing for a way to convert information into knowledge. Axiom can lead the way with SDS. Sincerely,


Rod Welch

P.S. Feel free to call for a follow up demonstration and support information.