440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 00:07:37 -0700

03 00050 61 00072401

Mr. Joseph M. Ransdell
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Texas Tech University
Box 43092
Lubbock, TX 79409 3092

Subject:   NWO Review Aristotle Deviations from Truth

Dear Joe,

Really appreciate the effort you are making to review and offer ideas to improve the NWO... paper, in your letter today.

Great idea to make explicit the creative dimension of spontaneous response. It seems to turn out that creativity is further enhanced by adding "intelligence" to information through organization, analysis, alignment, summary and of course feedback, which you mention again today.

I am more and more attracted to time as the dominate force of existence, per your analysis of Socrates yesterday on resistance to questions which, also, seems to apply for feedback, per analysis on July 20, 2000.

We are bringing up a lot of separate, but related issues that need focused treatment. Hope we don't run out of time before we get to our old friend the alphabet and Rod's dream of adding time to information, mentioned in a letter ages ago. There's so much stuff, I just can't remember it all.

I am sending a copy to Jack Park and Cliff Joslyn, because they are good thinkers about these issues, and also technologists. Somehow, we need to port this stuff into that arena in order to move the ball down the field.



Rod Welch

Copy to:

  1. Park, Jack

  2. Joslyn, Cliff