Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 05:31:30 -0700 | 03 00050 61 00062401 |
Mr. Michael C. Wirth, Ph.D.
Manager USR Software
User Systems Ergonomics Research
Almaden Research Center
650 Harry Road, NWE/B2
San Jose, CA 95120
Subject: | KM for IBM Research Lab |
Dear Michael,
Thanks for your letter the other day. I owe you something on this from a week ago, as shown in the record today.
I can talk on KM ideas, staying away from products, from a number of perspectives, maybe something like...
Why hasn't Knowledge Management caught on as the next logical wave of technology?
Experience the past few months at SRI underscores problems at IBM, Microsoft, Intel and other places where time, talent, and money are no object. The much discussed Knowledge Management dilemma, actually has several dimensions, none of which are technical. No amount of XML, Mhz, MB, nor data structures will solve the riddle, because 2,000 years of culture and 100,000 years of evolution block our path. The solution requires the courage of Prometheus from an earlier time when the foundation of civilization was formed. Thus, I will explain how religion and farming hold the keys to the kingdom of knowledge.
So that you won't think this is entirely in left field, check the links on religion and farming that hopefully convey a sensible tone.
Let me know if the guys want to hear about this.
Rod Welch wrote:
Thanks for copying me on a recent email -- it reminded me that you had "fallen off my radar screen". I was out of town on travel and the context switch succeeded in erasing my short-term memory. (Sounds like I need your system :-)
Let's think about a seminar again. We now have a regular series running on Wednesdays during lunch (but with a slightly different focus, more on HCI). Can you provide me with a title and a (few sentence) abstract of a talk/demo you might give? Focus on ideas rather than products.
Mike Wirth
Manager, USER Software
IBM Almaden Research Center,
650 Harry Road, NWE/B2, San Jose, CA 95120-6099
Ph: 408-927-1898