Intel Corporation
2200 Mission College Blvd; Mail Stop SC9-59
Santa Clara, CA 95052 8119
From: David S Vannier

Date: Mon, 17 Nov 97 13:26:00 PST

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA  94111 2496

Subject:  Re: Web Support Communication Metrics

I was able to open your mail. Looks like something I'd like to use. I will discuss with my new boss.

I was asked to change jobs about 8 weeks ago, so I now work for someone else. If my new boss is interested, we might want to jointly talk with him. I'm now a platform program manager, ie in your terms I manage the process of pulling together an entire platform, including products from Intel, external to Intel, and the process for getting it to market in '99. Big task, lots of people (couple thousand inside Intel). My boss runs the "office of program management" which includes several programs, roughly 6 right now although none of the others are this big.


 now, I'm using the Web, MS Project, and lots of email.  Linking it would
be great!

By the way, how did your discussion with the other group go? They would be pushing more broadly to Intel.
