PMB 207
63 Bovet Road
San Mateo, CA 94402
650 326 0877

Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 15:41:09 -0800

03 00050 60 05011003

Mr. Henry van Eyken
Bootstrap Institute
6505 Kaiser Drive
Fremont, CA 94555
Subject:   Fleabyte and civic journalism

Dear Henry,

On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 05:04:15PM -0500, Henry K van Eyken wrote:
> I believe this deserves full support, don't you?
What exactly are you asking for? I certainly support your work. Jack has expressed the same, and I expect that everyone else feels the same way.
I think Jack's advice about blogging is very good. There are a number of free hosting services, and there are folks in the community (including me) who would be happy to help you get started. Also, many of Doug's ideas are starting to creep into those tools. For example, purple number plugins exist for MovableType, blosxom, and WordPress, all of which are popular blogging tools. Using these preexisting tools would enable you to focus entirely on content, which is where I think your work is most valuable.
Is there something more you're looking for?


Eugene Eric Kim