3370 Mira Loma Avenue
PO Box 3105
Anaheim, CA 92803

Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 06:53:38 -0700

03 00050 60 03041601

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496
Subject:   Meeting Notes Errors Discovered by Proof

Dear Rod,

[Responding to your letter yesterday on advantages for a dual-environment design to reduce errors...]
Your point that multiple views of created content facilitates proofreading is well taken.
It is definitely something to consider before introducing too much of the "single tool" concept into SDS.
This is a factor that I have folded into my ideas on software design - artifacts that represent different mental activities should have different representations. I have seen attempts to design software using pseudocode (a formal English that looks a lot like code) come to grief because the application was being coded rather than designed, and the design step got missed.
For somebody who is experienced, this is not so much an issue, but most people have a hard time separating concerns.
I think that this is part of the problem with maintaining software requirements in Word - it looks like a prose document, so it gets treated as a prose document, not a set of requirements.
Given the value of this, perhaps we should consider (for the new SDS) the ability to launch the published page in the browser for review even during content creation and as a preparation for the web. Perhaps confidential record could be published to WL only and not to WT to support this sort of proofreading?


Garold L. Johnson
Modeling and Simulation