Intel Corporation
2200 Mission College Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95052 8119
408 765 8080

Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 08:11:26 -0700

03 00050 60 02093001

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496
Subject:   Fear Accountability Prevents Accuracy
Technology to Improve Capturing Record Reduced Value of Records

Dear Rod,

[Responding to your letter on September 27, 2002 discussing cultural drift away from accuracy illustrated by the movie "The Malese Falcon" that has a scene showing how "getting it all down" accurately was a cultural norm when the movie was produced sometime in the 1930s - 1950s...]
In the old days, no one had computers, and minutes, etc were taken in shorthand. Letters were dictated to secretaries, and then typed, corrected, etc. Times have changed all that. An intermediate step was to have a dictation machine, and then a tape recorder. Many companies had file cabinets full of this junk. It was seldom used except by trial attorneys taking huge amounts of money from companies.
The deep pocket laws have made such record keeping a thing of the past. The new mantra is no evidence or anything that could be used against us.


Morris E. Jones