Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC)
10260 Campus Point Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
619 546 6000

Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 16:11:53 -0700

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496
Subject:   Network bookkeeping system

Thanks for the connections, Rod... normally, I hyperlink everything I can, just missed this one.
On the subject of bookkeeping systems, perhaps David Ellerman's paper at...

...would be of interest to you and Dan...
Poking around your web site (what is the software which drives it?) I was interested in your notion of knowledge spaces and meaning spaces.
I have been working on notions of HealthSpace and GivingSpace for health and philanthropy, respectively. The basic theme is that we have "transactional" systems which attempt to manage "transformational" activities, and end up in a never-ending rat's nest of interfaces.
My goal is to create transformational "spaces" within which the "fuzzier" goals of transformation may happen... in the same way that Tim BL created a "space" within which information could exist...
You may be interested in some of the discussions we have been having within GivingSpace... last May, we had a meeting at the Santa Fe Institute with Murray Gell-Mann and are working on our next one at Asilomar in september
Heather Wood Ion wrote a thoughtful paper relating to this, called, "Can What Counts be Counted?"
(Quick background: I am a VP of Science Applications International Corp ( with a background in large scale software architecture (was one of the chief architects of the VA and DoD hospital information systems). I am taking a sabbatical this year as a visiting scholar at Stanford's Digital Vision project ..

Tom Mennecke
Vice President
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  1. Park, Jack
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