Denham Grey

Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 11:46:03 -0500

Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496
Subject:   Apologies & attributation

Hi Rod.

[Responding to your letter on February 17, 2001 commenting on my letter the same day....]
Firstly apologies for getting your name wrong on my last post and calling you Jack!!
Attribution is an interesting subject. Do most of my work in Wiki and tend to leave all of the comments without signatures. Strong attributation and rating schemes e.g. lead to social pathologies IMO. Think this view is quite extreme, and there are sound reasons to linking some forms of content to people, if only to provide addition context and a 'go to' for questions and learning.
Would like to explore your ideas around the importance of time and sequence, as I'm not sure I really 'get it' . Can you point me to some beginners script that explains SDS rationale and concepts please?
We have an interesting small group looking at KM in the 'Talking culture talking knowledge, discussion at SwS. I have also introduced POIMS there. You are very welcome to chip in.
Thanks for the reply and pointers. I belong to the school that thinks KM is ALL about relationships and very little about technology.



Denham Grey



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