San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
The First Society In Computing


Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2000 11:35:37 -0800

From:   Vince Lauricella


Subject:   ACM PDS 4/15: COM+, An Overview

The local chapter of the ACM will hold a...

Professional Development Seminar

on 4/15 at SCU.

The San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of ACM
The First Society In Computing

presents another

Professional Development Seminar

COM+, AN Overview

by David S. Platt
of Rolling Thunder Computing

El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA
Daly Science Center 207

Saturday, April 15, 2000

8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Developing distributed enterprise systems poses problems that developing single-desktop systems does not, such as security, data integrity, synchronization, scalability, and overlapping client-server lifetime. Writing our own software to solve these problems takes far too long, costs far too much, and we often can't acquire the skill set to do them adequately. Fortunately, COM+ in Windows 2000 provides prefabricated solutions to these and other problems of enterprise software development.

This class will examine the COM+ runtime environment and the services provided by it, many of which are accessed by administrative settings instead of writing code. We will examine the concept of a COM+ component, and the mechanisms used for activating them. We will look at the COM+ catalog, the system database in which the administrative settings are kept. We will discuss the concept of an object's context, the environment that it requires to run. We will see, with software demonstrations how to take advantage of COM+ security, synchronization, transaction, asynchronous communication, and publish-and-subscribe event services.

The basic idea is to expose students in a single day to as many of the different capabilities of COM+ as possible. At the end of the day, we want them to know the answer to the question, "What prefabricated technologies does COM+ provide for my use, and what problems do they solve?"


Familiarity with the concepts of component software and COM is helpful but not required. Code examples for this seminar are extremely simple and will be shown in Visual Basic. The material will be presented using easily understood language.


David S. Platt is the President of Rolling Thunder Computing and an instructor in Computer Science at Harvard University. He teaches COM and COM+ at public seminars and in-house at companies all over the world. His class on COM+ in the spring of 1999 was the first university-level for-credit class on this topic in the known universe. His latest book, "Understanding COM+" from Microsoft Press, is Microsoft's lead book on its latest enhancements to COM. It is currently outselling Tom Clancy's "Every Man a Tiger" on He publishes "ThunderClap", a quarterly newsletter on COM+ development, available free from his Web site, His column "ActiveXplained" appears bi-monthly on Byte.Com He is also the author of "The Essence of COM with ActiveX" from Prentice-Hall, a top-notch book on COM for beginning programmers, and many articles on COM in Microsoft Systems Journal. "He's the only guy I've ever known that can actually make an article on COM's apartment threading model funny," said one student. He did his undergraduate work at Colgate University, and earned a Master of Engineering degree from Dartmouth College.

What Will Be Covered and What You Will Learn

Session I - Introduction and Basic Architecture of COM+ :

Concepts of a component, catalog, and interception. Demonstration of building a component, installing it in COM+, modifying its behavior administratively via Explorer (instead of writing code.)

Session II - Object Context and Its Uses:

Administrative information that travels with a component is an object's context. Demonstrations of security, interfaces, access, and synchronization based on context information.

Session III - COM+ Transactions:

Concept of a transaction; need for coordinating among multiple distributed participants; committing or aborting transactions. Demonstrations of setting up and using transactions in COM+ and the Compensating Resource Manager.

Session IV - Queued Components and Events


    8:00 - 8:30             Registration
    8:30 - 8:45             Welcome
    8:45 - 10:15            Session I
    10:15 - 10:30           Break
    10:30 - 12:00           Session II
    12:00 - 1:00            Lunch
    1:00 - 2:30             Session III
    2:30 - 2:45             Break
    2:45 - 4:15             Session IV
    4:15 - 4:30             Summary


Register early! Capacity limited to 200

Mail in Registration for ACM Professional Development Seminar Saturday, April 15, 2000


Mailing Address:
Luncheon selection (check one):

   Member: National & Local ACM    $80    ACM Membership No.
   Member: Local ACM Only          $85
   Member: National ACM Only       $85*
   Non- Member                     $95*
   Students - Full time            $50

Add $5 if postmarked after April 1, 2000

Note: * Includes a one year Local Chapter Membership starting at the time of registration. This includes a year subscription to the Bit Dropper, discounts on future PDS Seminars, and discounts at participating local stores.

Please make your checks payable to ACM and mail to:

P.O. Box 60355
Sunnyvale, CA 94088

Tuition includes notes, lunch, and refreshments.


Full refunds can be given if cancellation is received by 4/8/00. Sorry, no refunds after 4/8/00.

You will be notified if the seminar is full.

Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you require confirmation.


From 280

Take 280 to 17/880 exit,
Take 17/880 toward 101 to The Alameda exit,
Turn left onto The Alameda,
Follow signs to SCU.

From 101

Take 101 to De LaCruz exit,
Take De La Cruz/Coleman to the El Camino Real exit,
Follow signs to SCU.

From 17/880

Exit 17/880 at The Alameda
Follow signs to SCU.


Elizabeth Rodgers
Web: Web:


ACM San Francisco Bay Area Chapter

Vince Lauricella
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
toll free: 877 481-3930
fax: 408 481-0757