Bootstrap Institute
6505 Kaiser Drive
Fremont, CA 94555

Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 05:06:42 -0800

All Colloquium Registrants
Mr. Rod Welch
The Welch Company
440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111 2496

Subject:   Colloquium Session 1 Questionnaire

All participants...

Please be advised that the colloquium questionnaire for session 1 (i.e. the Evaluation Form) is now available on line. Please access it at...

We need your feedback so that we can improve the course as we go along.

Further, certification requirement states that "the participant is required to participate actively, to have attended a minimum of nine out the ten seminar sessions, and to have sent in their session evaluation questionnaire." So, if you are aiming for the Certificate of Completion at the end of the colloquium, please make it a point to complete and submit this form as soon as possible.

Also, your engagement in online discussions and contribution to the prototype DKR project are some of the attributes for "active participation." Therefore, if you still have not registered for it, please do so by going to...


Bootstrap Institute

Engelbart Colloquium Admin2

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