Original Source

Famous quotes in Latin...

  • "Animal bipes implume"
    Two-legged feather less animal; human being - Plato

  • "Amor vincit omnia"
    Love conquers all - Virgil

  • "Audentes fortuna juvat"
    Fortune favors the bold - Virgil

  • "Facilis descensus Averno"
    The descend to Avernus is easy; the road to hell is smooth - Virgil

  • "Ab ovo"
    From the egg; from very beginning
    - Horace

  • "Aegri somnia vana"
    A such man's empty dreams - Horace

  • "Eheu fugaces labuntur anni"
    Alas, the fleeting years slip by - Horace

  • "Aliquando bonus dormitat Homerus"
    Sometimes good Homer himself nods; even the great make mistakes - Horace

  • "Exitus acta probat"
    The end justifies the means - Ovid

  • "Fas est et ab hoste doceri"
    It's proper to learn even from an enemy - Ovid

  • "Alter idem"
    Second self: alter ego - Cicero

  • "Cui bono?"
    Who is the beneficiary? - Cicero

  • "Et tu, Brute!"
    You too, Brutus! - Julius Caesar

  • "Fiat lux"
    Let there be light - Vulgate

  • "Ave atque vale"
    Hail and farewell - Catullus

  • "Cogito, ergo sum"
    I think, therefore I am- Descartes

  • "De qustibus non est disputandum"
    There is no arguing in matters of taste.

  • "Aut vincere aut mori"
    Conquer or die.

  • "Errare humanum est"
    To err is human.

  • "Errare humanum est, sed in errore perseverare diabolicum"
    To err is human, but to continue to err is diabolical. ;-)

  • "Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit"
    Wise man does not urinate against the wind. ;->
  • "L†t dem hata, s† l„nge de fruktar. "
    Let them hate, as long as they fear.  ;-)

Plato 428-347 BC
Cicero 106-43 BCVirgil
Virgil 79-19 BC
Horace 65-8 BC
Ovid 43 BC
Descartes 1596-1650

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Originally published by Vladimir Lebedev on http://www.fiu.edu/~vlebed01/index.html