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Lateral Thinking Revisited

Lateral Thinking Revisited:
A Comparison between the Multicentric Concept and Lateral Thinking

by Aw Kong Koy
January 18, 1997, revised July 27, 1998

1. Introduction

Dr. Edward de Bono developed the concept of lateral thinking more than 25 years ago and has written several books on it. According to current literature, lateral thinking is:

Since that time, there has not been any significant development in lateral thinking. Application of computer technology to the concept would be an obvious development today. Computers are very adept in storing, sorting and retrieving information, which the human mind is not so good at. This will certainly add a new dimension to lateral thinking. Unfortunately, the concept and techniques developed by Edward de Bono are not amenable to computerisation.

The multicentric concept was developed by the author of this article and the concept is implemented in a computer program called MultiCentrix, the Multicentric Information Networking System. This concept is not based on lateral thinking but based on fundamental concepts of information and the connections between different pieces of information. It is interesting to find that the techniques of lateral thinking can be used with MultiCentrix. This article will examine the concepts of lateral thinking and compare it with the multicentric concept as implemented in MultiCentrix.

2. Techniques of Lateral Thinking

Lateral thinking is embodied in the techniques of lateral thinking as described in the book "Lateral Thinking (1967) by Edward de Bono" and the techniques include:-

2.1 The generation of alternatives

On the generation of alternatives, Edward de Bono stated:

"The most basic principle of lateral thinking is that any particular way of looking at things is only one among many other possible ways.

With lateral thinking, one is not looking for the best approach but for as many different approaches as possible."

In MultiCentrix, information is networked and the links are bi-directional. When we look at any particular issue we can see all related issues or information. The multicentric facility allows us to focus on each piece of related information in turn - giving us multiple views of the issues. Each of these views provide us an alternative way of looking at the information.

The information trees of MultiCentrix allows us to see other objects based on the same relationship. The tree can also be inverted to give us a different perspective. This gives us all the obvious alternatives recorded that the human mind may not be able to recall.

2.2 Challenging assumptions

On challenging assumptions, Edward de Bono stated:

"It is the purpose of lateral thinking to try and restructure any pattern.

General agreement about an assumption is no guarantee that it is correct.

It is historical continuity that maintains most assumptions - not a repeated assessment of their validity."

To network information into MultiCentrix, we start with any object and then link in related objects. In this way, information captured in MultiCentrix comes from different frame works and assumptions.

The multicentric view in effect gives us a view of the information network from multiple assumptions without requiring us to challenge assumptions. Any conflicts in the information will be more readily apparent. The information database can help us resolve these conflicts and gain insight into the issues. This procedure is enlightening as it avoids the negative effects of challenging assumptions.

2.3 Suspended Judgement

On suspended judgement, Edward de Bono stated:

"The purpose of thinking is not to be right but to be effective. Being right means been right all the time. Being effective means been right only at the end.

Lateral thinking is concerned with change not with proof. The emphasis is shifted from the validity of a particular pattern to the usefulnes of that pattern in generating new patterns.

The need to be right all the time is the biggest bar there is to new ideas.

In lateral thinking one is not so concerned with the nature of an arrangement of information but with where it can lead one. It is not a matter of doing without judgement but of deferring it until later."

Being right all the time is like trying to understand everything all the time. It is important for us to be able to accept information without processing it completely, i.e. we accept such information as random information.

Information captured in MultiCentrix is fundamentally random. All information are equal. In other words, information stored in MultiCentrix do not have to belong to any structure. The structures can come later. The need to place information into predetermined structures is what impedes learning and thinking. Could this be the reason why it is easier for children to learn new things?

2.4 Dominant ideas and crucial factors.

On dominant ideas and crucial factors, Edward de Bono stated:-

" In a defining situation one picks out the dominant idea not in order to be frozen by that idea but in order to be able to generate alternative ideas.

Unless one can pick out the dominant idea one is going to be dominated by it."

The fundamental principle of the multicentric concept is that all information are equal. By focusing on each piece of information in turn, the effect of a dominant idea is minimised.

A dominant idea will have lots of other information related or associated with it. Given a list, MultiCentrix can sort this list by the number of related objects thus making it easy to pick out dominant ideas. The relationship filter facility of MultiCentrix allows the user to look at the list from the context of the related objects.

2.5 Fractionalization

On fractionalization, Edward de Bono stated:-

" In order to make restructuring easier one tries to return to the collection of smaller patterns.

In a sense the whole point of language is to give separate units that can be moved around and put together in different ways. The danger is that these different ways soon become established as fixed units themselves and not as temporary arrangement of other units.

If one takes any situation and breaks it down into fractions one can then restructure the situation by putting the fractions together in a new way."

A key principle of the multicentric concept is the dynamic rearrangement of information around the object of interest. In order for this to be effective, it is preferable for the information stored in MultiCentrix to be elemental. This means that the description of the object should focus on the subject only, just like in an encyclopaedia.

This principle is necessary so that the information can be rearranged without losing context. If necessary, complex objects can also be defined. At the appropriate time, a complex object can be networked or decomposed into its members.

The objects in MultiCentrix represent higher order units that cannot be represented by words alone.

2.6 The Reversal Method.

On the reversal method, Edward de Bono stated:-

"In the reversal method one takes things as they are and then turns them round, inside out, upside down, back to front.

It is a provocative rearrangement of information."

MultiCentrix allows the user to look at information trees based on the 5 basic relationships. Effectively, this allows the user to look at the complex networked information database in 2-dimensional trees.

For hierarchical and directional relationships, the inverted tree provides a reversal of the order we look at things. Being able to traverse the complex information database in all directions can be very provocative.

We can also search for the connectivity between two objects and the result is a tree that starts from the first object and always ends at the second object. This tree can also be inverted to view the connectivity from a different perspective. Any object in the tree can also be hoisted to the top and the connectivity of this object with either of the original two objects can be viewed.

2.7 Analogies

On analogies, Edward de Bono stated:-

"The important point about an analogy is that it has a 'life' of its own. This 'life' can be expressed directly in terms of the actual objects involved or it can be expressed in terms of the processes involved.

One can translate the problem into an analogy and then develop the analogy. At the end one translates back and see what might have happened to the original problem. It is probably more useful to develop the two in parallel. "

MultiCentrix allows you to assocate any information with any other information together with a description of the relationships. Associates can represent anything, no matter how remote. Analogies can be effectively represented in MultiCentrix in this way.

2.8 Choice of entry point and attention area

On choice of entry point and attention area, Edward de Bono stated:-

"The most important feature of the mind as an information processing system is its ability to choose.

Such a system has a limited area of attention. A limited area of attention can only settle on part of an information field. That part of the information field on which the limited attention area settles is thereby 'chosen' or 'selected'.

To start at the wrong end and work backwards is quite a well known problem solving technique.

The entry point is the first attention area. Sometimes however important parts of the problem are completely left out. It is only when these parts are brought under attention that the problem can be solved."

The multicentric concept requires the user to focus on the various pieces of information at any one time. While focusing on each object, the attention span of the user is limited to that object and other objects related to it or as that object at the root of the information tree. This dynamic rearrangement of information around the changing center of focus is the key to the multicentric concept.

At any center of focus, the user can see the related or a lack of related information. In the case of lack of related information, the search for related information can be initiated.

Because the links are bi-directional, the information network can be built rapidly through information networking. Clutter can be reduced by applying thematic filters and in-situ filters.

2.9 Random Stimulation

On random stimulation, Edward de Bono stated:-

"..instead of trying to work from within the idea one can deliberately generate external stimulation, which then acts on the idea from outside.

With random stimulation one uses any information whatsoever. No matter how unrelated it may be, no information is rejected as useless.

Two main ways of bringing about random simulation:-

Browsing is a very effective for random stimulation. MultiCentrix not only promotes browsing but adds a new dimension by dynamically rearranging related information around the information you are browsing at.

2.10 Concepts/Divisions/Polarization.

On concepts/divisions/polarization, Edward de Bono stated:-

"There is no question that the named unit system is highly effective. There is no question that the polarizing properties of this system make it possible to react with very little information. The whole information processing system that arises from the basic mechanism of mind is immensely useful. The disadvantage mentioned above are minor ones compared to the userfulness of the system. But the disadvantage do exist. Moreover they are inseparable from the nature of the system. So one uses the system to its full effectiveness but at the same time realizes the errors and tries to do something about them.

The major limitation of the named unit system is the rigidity of the labels. Once establised the labels are fixed. The labels alter the incoming information instead of the incoming information altering the labels.

The aim of lateral thinking is to break out of cliché patterns and rigid lables are a perfect example of cliché patterns. In order to escape from these labels one can do three things:-

MultiCentrix uses a common metaphor - aliases. The object names in MultiCentrix are labels and each label can be 128 characters. In MultiCentrix, you are allowed as many aliases as you wish for each object.

It is common for different professions (e.g. engineers, accountants, economists) taking different path in their development to give different labels to the same objects.

MultiCentrix also allow multiple descriptions for the same object plus the ability to change the object names (re-labelling).

2.11 The new word po

On the new word po, Edward de Bono stated:-

"PO is to lateral thinking what NO is to logical thinking. NO is a rejection tool. PO is an insight restructuring tool. The concept of the laxative is the basis of lateral thinking just as the concept of the negative is the basis of logical thinking."

A key principle of the multicentric concept is that while objects are equal, they can be placed into multiple hierarchies or structures. Placing a piece of information into one hierarchy does not preclude it from being placed into another hierarchy.

Information can also be left unlinked in MultiCentrix for future processing. MultiCentrix also encourages the concept of multi-pass processing.

2.12 Blocked by openness

On blocked by openness, Edward de Bono stated:-

"There are three ways in which thinking can be blocked.

In the multicentric concept, all objects are equal. Related objects can be sorted by defining sort orders. However, when viewing these lists, the sort order can be turned off.

MultiCentrix allows the user to search for the relationships between two objects through multiple levels. This search will examine all related objects with no possibility of being blocked by openness, a phenomena prevalent in the human mind.

2.13 Description/Problem Solving and Design

On Description/Problem Solving and Design, Edward de Bono stated:-


An object or a situation may be described by someone in a particular way and by someone else in a different way. There can be as many descriptions as there are points of view. Some descriptions are more useful than others, some descriptions may be more complete than others. But there is no one description which is correct, leaving all the others to be wrong.

Problem Solving

Generating and solving problems is the basis of forward thinking and progress. If description is a matter of looking back to see what one has then problem solving is a matter of looking forward to see what one can get.


Design is really a special case of problem solving. It requires more creativity.


The multicentric concept recognises that an object can have multiple descriptions from multiple contributors at diffent time and type.

Problem Solving

Problem solving requires thinking and thinking requires information and knowledge. MultiCentrix provides an information database that addresses the key requirements of an information management system.

3.0 The purpose of thinking.

In the introduction to the book "Lateral Thinking", Edward de Bono stated that

"The purpose of thinking is to collect information and to make the best possible use of it."

Lateral thinking focuses on the use of information with little emphasis on the collection and management of information. To collect and manage information would require the following:-

Edward de Bono does not tell us how to collect information, much less how to manage it. This is a vital ingredient of the thinking process. The human mind is limited in its capacity to store, sort, classify and retrieve related information. Humans have resorted to documenting their thoughts in writing to overcome these deficiencies. Writing, unfortunately, only address the storage problem. Computer technology today allows us to store, sort, classify, connect and retrieve information.

MultiCentrix is an example of a Computer Aided Thinking Tool. In addition to storing, sorting, classifying, connecting and retrieving information, it helps the user to gain insights into the information database by providing the users:-

4.0 Summary

Credit must be given to Dr. Edward de Bono for identifying so many techniques related to thinking. Edward de Bono also emphasises the importance of rearranging information to gain insight into the issues. Unfortunately, without the ability to store, sort, classify, connect and retrieve related information, lateral thinking is limited to the ability of the individual mind. While lateral thinking can be used to solve tough problems, its use for solving complex problems with hundreds or thousands of i

Copyright © 1997, Aw Kong Koy

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