440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700

October 25, 1998

02 05 02 61 98102501

Mr. Larry Smith
Service Department
S & C Ford
450 Rhode Island Street
San Francisco, CA 94107-2320

Subject: S&C Invoice #303959
Window Wash, Hoses, Tire Tread Wear


  1. Telecon Larry/Rod Oct 22, 1998
  2. Telecon Steve/Rod Oct 22, 1998

Dear Larry,

This confirms our discussion on Oct 22 OA 0353p, that you reversed the charge for fixing the window wash system, in the amount of $45.90, plus tax (if any), in that this work was not performed (see attached at line 0515).

Steve Wainwright scheduled a follow up service for our vehicle on Nov 3, 1998 at 0645a. The scope of service is to replace the water pump and associated components, based on a report that the water pump is leaking. (see attached at line 071310).

On the Nov 3 visit, I would like to have the following accomplished...

  1. Fix the window wash system, which was requested on Oct 22, (see attached at line 050401).

  2. Top off the fluid in the coolant system, which was reported as having been performed on Oct 22 (see line 040617).

  3. Measure and report on tread wear, which was requested on Oct 22 (see line 100401).

  4. Examine hoses with a mechanic or service representative for determination of replacements needed, as recommended on S&C invoice #297473 dated Jun 6, 1998 (see line 0708). Needed replacements should then be performed.

  5. Examine water pump with a mechanic or service representative for determination of wear or defect that requires replacement. If replacement is needed, S&C should confirm its estimate of cost for this work. If the work can be accomplished for under $900, S&C may procede, otherwise, Welch will seek a competitive price prior to authorizing the work.

If you have any questions, please call.



Rod Welch

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