San Francisco Internationl Airport
The San Francisco International Airport has embarked on a major expansion program to meet the present and future demands of the traveling public. The first group of projects of the Airport Master Plan, with a total value of $2.4-billion, is currently under construction. Most of these projects are scheduled for completion in 2000 and 2001.
Looking ahead, the Airport is planning to construct and improve additional facilities and infrastructure. This next group of projects, known as Group B Projects of the Airport Master Plan Program, is now being developed by the Airport staff. The road to final approval and funding of these projects is long and arduous. Presently, neither the Airport Commission nor the airlines have reviewed the proposed projects, and we have not assessed the projects' environmental impact. Design services, therefore, may not commence for many months.
However, in view of the widespread interest and the lengthy process for selection of design consultants and construction managers, we believe it would be prudent to commence the selection process for design consultants now. While the proposed list of projects and their scopes are being fine tuned, we plan to establish a short-list of architects and engineers for the Group B projects. The final selection of A/E's will be made from this short-list. At a later and appropriate time, we will do the same for construction management firms.
This package contains a document entitled "Selection of Architects & Engineers for Airport Master Plan Program, Group B Projects," a preliminary draft list of the Group B projects, and a "Quick Reference Guide to Equal Benefits Compliance." Please review these documents and let me know if you want us to consider your firm for projects such as these. If so, please follow the instructions carefully.
In case you have any objections or suggestions regarding our selection
procedures, we would appreciate hearing from you as soon as possible. The time
to criticize the "rules of the game" is now-not after you played the game and
Before you decide to pursue the Group B projects, please allow me to call your attention to our preference for local enterprises as described in paragraph 7 in page 3 of the document describing our selection process, as well as several other "rules" if you receive a contract from the Airport:
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the selection process,
please call Jason Yuen at (650) 737-7700. Please note that your telephone
conversation with Jason may be recorded and presented to the A/E Selection
Thank you for your interest in the San Francisco International Airport. Group B projects of the Airport Master Plan Program will be exciting and challenging. I hope you will join us in our search for the best qualified architects and engineers.
Mr. Thomas L. Kardos
Deputy Airport Director